Home Rental or Home Ownership: Which is Better During Retirement?
In a recent infographic, we looked at the top destinations for people looking to relocate during retirement. But after figuring out where to move, retirees face another major decision: is it better to rent or own a home? We lay out some of the perks of each scenario. The Benefits of Buying Being a […]
Finding a New Place to Call Home During Retirement
Planning for retirement usually involves a lengthy list of major decisions. One of them is whether or not you want to make the most of those later years — and perhaps your retirement savings — by moving to a new town. We took a look at the top retirement destinations in the U.S., as well […]
How to Cut Costs on Moving Expenses
It doesn’t take long for moving expenses to add up and put a significant dent into the most carefully crafted moving budget. When you factor in truck rental, movers and moving supplies, you could end up spending thousands of dollars to relocate to a new home. With the busy summer moving season on the horizon, […]
First Job, First Home: Helping Your Graduate Make the Move
Have a child who’s graduating from college? Your son or daughter isn’t the only one moving on to a new stage in life. You’ve also advanced, from being the parent of a student to being the parent of an independent adult. So what are your new responsibilities? What kind of financial advice should you give […]
Spring is the Best Time to Buy a House, Television, or Mattress
Just like the consumers they serve, the months of April and May find many retailers in spring-cleaning mode. With new products launching during the first warm months of the year, many businesses are eager to get rid of items that are no longer in season. In addition, springtime often finds an increase of homes on […]