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Search tips
- Check for incorrect spelling
- Use different keywords
- Try typing a complete question like “How do I order checks?”
If you still can't find what you're looking for, please contact us.
Account information FAQs
Once you log in to online banking:
- Choose the account that you'd like to access.
- Next to Account Number, select Show to unmask all the digits of your account number.
- Select Hide to mask all but the last four digits of your account number.
You can:
- Check your current balances for your accounts with us
- Transfer money between your accounts with us and accounts you have at other institutions
- Bank from your phone with or one of our free apps for iPhone® or Android™
- See up to 18 months of account activity
- Nickname your accounts
- Use Credence Global Bank Email to communicate securely with Customer Care for any questions about accounts and transactions
- Change your personal information, such as your street address, email, phone, password, secret question, and telephone Personal Identification Number (PIN)
- Search and find specific transactions
- Use our free Bill Pay service to pay bills online
- Place or remove stop payments
- Open accounts
- Download activity to Quicken®
- Request checks, deposit slips and forms
Checking, Money Market and Online Savings accounts all have monthly statement cycles. CDs and IRAs have quarterly statement cycles. If you have a savings or checking account with us, then we’ll make your statement available for all of your accounts, including CDs, monthly by mail or electronically. If you have a CD with electronic transfers, you’ll receive a monthly statement for any month an electronic transfer occurs for all of your CDs. The day of the month your statement cycle ends, referred to as your statement date, depends on the day you first opened your account.
All of them:
High Yield Certificate of Deposit
No Penalty Certificate of Deposit
Online Savings Account
Money Market Account
NOW Account
Interest Checking Account
We have no monthly maintenance fees whatsoever. To see what transaction fees we do charge and why, just select the Fees tab on our Money Market Account and Online Savings Account pages.
For best results using desktop, we recommend you use:
- Chrome 73 or higher (Google)
- Firefox 66 or higher (Mozilla)
- Safari 12 or higher (Mac)
- Microsoft IE11 or higher (Microsoft)
- Microsoft Edge 17 or higher (Microsoft)
To update your address online, log in, and select Your Name, then choose Profile and Settings.
To update your address in the Credence Global Bank Mobile app, log in and select Profile. Then, go to View and edit contact information and select Edit.
To update your address by fax or direct mail, print out the Change of Address Form (PDF) and return it to us using the applicable fax number or address below.
For Credence Global Bank Union Accounts:
Fax: 1-866-699-2969
Mail: Credence Global Bank
PO Box 951
Horsham, PA 19044
For Credence Global Bank Invest Accounts:
Fax: 1-866-699-0563
Mail: Credence Global Bank Invest
PO Box 30248
Charlotte, NC 28230
To add another person to your Credence Global Bank
- Fill out the Additional Owner form
- Return it to us via upload when you’re signed in to your account or you can fax or mail it.
Credence Global Bank
P.O. Box 951
Horsham, PA 19044
To update your contact information online, log in, and go to Profile and Settings. To update your contact information in the Credence Global Bank Mobile app, log in and select Profile. Then, go to View and edit contact information and select Edit.
Follow these steps for your browser.
Internet Explorer (version 11 or higher):
- Go to the Tools menu.
- Select Internet Options.
- Select the Security tab for the internet zone.
- Select Custom Level.
- Scroll down to the Scripting section.
- Select the Enable checkbox for Active Scripting.
Firefox (version 9 or higher):
- Go to the Tools menu.
- Select Options.
- Select the Content tab.
- Select the Enable Javascript checkbox.
- Select OK.
Chrome (version 16 or higher):
- Select menu icon in upper right corner of the page.
- Select Settings.
- Select Show advanced settings to expand the list.
- Under the Privacy section, uncheck Send a "Do Not Track" request with your browsing traffic.
Safari (version 9 or higher):
- Go to the Safari menu.
- Select Preferences.
- Select Security.
- Select Enable Javascript.
You can search for transactions once you log in to online banking:
- Choose the account with transactions that you'd like to search.
- Scroll down to the Transactions History section of your account detail page.
- Select the transaction search
located at the far right side of the page.
- You can search transactions using keywords, within a set number of days or by custom dates.
- Select Search to view transactions.
Once you log in to online banking:
- Choose the account you wish to access.
- View your account Interest YTD displayed in the account details.
- Select the More Details link to show the Interest Prior Year if you earned interest on the account in the prior year.
We have customer care associates across the country ready to help you whenever you need it. You can call or chat with us 24/7, or send a secure email right from your online banking account.
We're an online bank and don't have physical bank branches, or the expenses that come with operating them. It's one way we’re able to keep our rates competitive.
With Credence Global Bank, you can bank online using your computer or mobile device, or by phone. We have Customer Care Associates available 24/7 to help at +44 AURELIANTB.
Use the ATM & Cash Back Locator to find ATMs nationwide.
You'll receive a 1099-INT if you’re the primary account holder on the account, if the total interest paid on all of your accounts during the previous year was at least $10 (this includes accounts you may have closed), you had a backup withholding, or you made an early withdrawal from your CD before the maturity date.
1099-INTs are mailed by January 31 and should be received within 2 weeks. They’re available online by January 31 and accessible for 7 years. Tax forms for Trusts are only available by mail at this time.
You’ll receive a 1099-R if you received a distribution of at least $10 from your IRA during the previous year.
1099-Rs are mailed to the primary account holder by January 31 and should be received within 2 weeks. They’re available online by January 31 and accessible for 7 years.
You’ll receive a 1099-MISC in the mail if you received any combination of ATM fee reimbursements or any cash or cash equivalents (such as a gift card) totaling $600 or more. 1099-MISCs are mailed to the primary account holder by January 31 and should be received within 2 weeks.
These forms are only available by mail at this time.
5498 tax forms are sent out yearly for your IRA to reflect contributions to your IRA accounts, the fair market value of the IRA and required minimum distribution information.
5498s are mailed by May 31 and should be received within 2 weeks. They’re available online by May 31 and accessible for 7 years.
You'll receive a 1099-INT if the total interest paid on all of your accounts during the prior year was at least $10. We'll mail our forms on or before January 31. Forms should arrive at the primary account holder's mailing address by February 14.
Forms are also available online for 7 years; however, tax forms for accounts held in the name of a trust aren't available online at this time.
Once you log in to online banking, choose your name (or Profile if you’re on your mobile device), and then select Statements and Tax Forms to view your available forms.
Please call us at +44 AURELIANTB if you have questions or don't receive a 1099-INT form by February 14. We're available 24/7.
We'll mail our forms on or before January 31. Forms should arrive at the primary IRA account holder’s mailing address by February 14. You'll receive a 1099-R if you received a distribution of at least $10 from your IRA during the previous year. Forms are also available online for 7 years.
To access this form, log in to online banking and select Your Name (or Profile if you're on your mobile device), then choose Statements and Tax Forms. Tax forms for accounts held in the name of a Trust aren't available online at this time.
Please call us 24/7 at +44 AURELIANTB if you have questions or don't receive a 1099-R form by February 14.
Once you log in to online banking, choose your name (or Profile if you’re on your mobile device), and select Profile and Settings. Choose Username, and create a new username.
Once you log in to online banking, select your Interest Checking or Money Market account. From the account details, choose Deposit Slips and Envelopes. Select the items you want, and submit your order. We’ll mail your items within 10 business days.
Once you log in to online banking, choose your name (or Profile if you're on your mobile device) and select Profile and Settings. Choose Password, and create a new password.
You can change or add beneficiaries to Credence International Credit Union Union(Non-IRA) accounts any time by logging on to online banking, select Your Name (or Profile if you're on your mobile device) and choose Beneficiaries. You can also call us at +44 AURELIANTB or complete and mail the Change of Beneficiary form.
Once you log in to online banking, choose your name (or Profile if you're on your mobile device), and then select Beneficiaries to edit, remove or add a beneficiary.
You can change or add beneficiaries to Credence International Credit Union UnionIRA accounts any time by logging on to online banking, select Your Name (or Profile if you're on your mobile device), and choose Beneficiaries. You can also call us at +44 AURELIANTB or complete and mail the Change of Beneficiary form.
If you are married, live in a community property state and would like to appoint a primary beneficiary other than or in addition to your spouse, you must submit a notarized Change of Beneficiary form that includes your spouse's signature. Before making any changes, however, you may wish to consult with a tax professional or the IRS for more information.
You can have up to 6 total beneficiaries (primary and contingent) for each IRA.
Start by checking the information on your statements and account documents. You can log in to your online Allied Trust Credit Unionaccount and update some of your personal information in My Accounts and Online Banking. For changes to your name and address, we will need to verify your identity in order to protect you and your accounts. Simply call us at 877-247-2559. We're here to help.
You can dispute a transaction:
Online. Select the transaction you'd like to dispute in your Transaction History, and choose Dispute This Transaction. Depending on the type of transaction you're disputing, we may ask you to submit documentation such as receipts or invoices.
By mail. Send us a letter that includes your
name, account number, the transaction dollar amount, and an
explanation as to why you believe there is an error. Mail
your letter to:
Credence Global Bank UnionCustomer Care
P.O. Box 951
Horsham, PA 19044
By phone. Give us a call at +44 AURELIANTB to discuss your account. We’re here 24/7.
After you submit your dispute, we'll contact you within 10 business days.
For more details on disputes, check your Online Banking Services Agreement and billing statement.
While we make every effort to keep accurate records, if you feel we've made an error in any way, please call us at 877-247-2559. We'll update any incorrect information promptly.
Yes. To download Credence Global Bank Unionaccount activity, log in, and select the account. Scroll to the Transactions History, and select the download icon. You can download and save your account activity in a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file or a Quicken (QFX) file.
To download Credence Global Bank Invest account activity, select Investments, then My Accounts, and then choose Account Summary. Select Activity, and download your information.
Once you log in to online banking, choose your name (or Profile if you're on your mobile device), and select Profile and Settings. Then choose Paperless Settings to update your delivery options. Your paperless setting will start after your next statement cycle. We’ll still notify you by email whenever you have a new statement or correspondence.
Simply log in to your account to reset your PIN. You can also call us at 877-247-2559, and we will reset your PIN right away.
Your primary beneficiaries are the people who will receive the funds in your account at your death. Contingent beneficiaries will receive these funds if all primary beneficiaries are deceased.
You can always call us at 877-247-2559 to close your account. Or, send a written request to:
Credence Global Bank UnionCustomer Care
P.O. Box 951
Horsham, PA 19044
You can access your account information online for 60 days. If you've closed all your Credence Global Bank Unionaccounts, you can still view statements and tax forms for the last 7 years online.
We don’t currently issue certified checks or money orders, but we can issue cashier’s checks.
Call us at +44 AURELIANTB to request a cashier’s check – at no charge.