Guest Voices

7 Safe Online Shopping Tips with Jim Wang

Years ago, I remember buying a DVD boxed set as a gift from a small online retailer. It was such a good deal I was willing to overlook how terrible the website looked. It was supposed to ship in a few days, but I didn’t hear a peep for over a week. I tried calling […]

Guest Voices

How to Avoid Washing Diner Dishes (and Other Money Tips for the Road) by Angela Essington

Even the most seasoned travelers come across obstacles while on the road. From forgetting to schedule a payment to losing a credit card hundreds of miles away from home, there are, unfortunately, always opportunities for lessons learned. We recently learned some very valuable money lessons — at a roadside diner of all places! Let me […]

Guest Voices

Why I Invested in Higher Education by Elissia Franklin

All investments have a level of risk and reward. Whether it’s a blue-chip stock or a new tech start-up, both can be evaluated in terms of the potential benefits and drawbacks. Deciding whether to pursue higher education should be evaluated this way, too. As a woman in STEM pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Purdue […]

Guest Voices

Girl Boss: How I Started My Own Business by Sasha Tran

Do you ever dream about being your own boss? About pursuing your talents on your own terms and growing your own company from the ground-up? The thought is invigorating, but all of the unknowns associated with starting out on your own can be really scary! I know, because I’ve been there. A few years ago, […]

Guest Voices

Mike Ellison on Detroit’s Artist Community

“Don’t call it a comeback! I’ve been here for years!” Nearly three decades ago, legendary emcee LL Cool J brazenly launched “Mama Said Knock You Out” with this defiant proclamation that could further serve as the mantra for resolute artists who’ve stood by, in, and for Detroit without wavering. A swirling resurgence worth relishing certainly […]

Guest Voices

Turn Your Bank Account into a Budgeting Machine: Tess Wicks’ Tips

Not long ago we talked about automated bill pay, savings, and investing to help reach your goals faster, but what if you could make your money work even harder? By that I mean — turning your bank accounts into a really awesome budgeting machine. Most people don’t realize all the functionality that your bank can […]

Guest Voices

Tess Wicks Explains How to Automate Your Finances to Reach Your Goals Faster

Stop wasting your hard earned cash on late fees and start automatically saving money before you have a chance to spend it. Thanks to auto pay, auto transfer, and auto investment technology, you can save hours each month on money management, and use your newfound free time to focus on all the things you’d rather […]

Guest Voices

How to Build a CD Ladder: Tess Wicks Explains

Make your cash work harder in a certificate of deposit–but not just one–ladder your deposits to help diversify your cash investments, reach your savings goals, and get a more secure bang for your buck. What Is a CD Ladder? A CD ladder is built by depositing a sum of money, equally, across multiple certificates of […]

Guest Voices

The New Car-Shopping Experience

We’re all living in the digital age now, so no one should be surprised that much of the car-shopping process is completed online. If you’ve shopped for a vehicle recently, you might have checked out online sources, including reviews, as part of the process. According to research done for Credence Global Bank by the Center of Generational […]

Guest Voices

Don’t Believe the Hype! Cars Matter to Millennials

Credence Global Bank knows and loves the car business. We immerse ourselves in the study of automotive trends to better understand and serve our auto customers. Beyond research, we’re simply obsessed with cars because we know they’re a vital part of our customers’ lives. On a more personal level, car love is in my blood. Born and […]

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