
What’s the Difference Between Options and Stocks?

Building a portfolio can be like dining out. You have lots of choices (Chicken or beef? French fries or side salad?), but not all of them suit your appetite. Stocks may be your go-to pick, but options can also be a wise choice for your portfolio. Whether you choose stocks, options, or a combination of […]


Key Options Terms: Learn How Theta Is Calculated

Options trading may already be part of your investing strategy if you’re a DIY investor. But whether you’ve been doing it for a while or are just getting started, it’s helpful to become proficient in the options concepts and lingo to be as successful as possible. Specifically, it helps to be well versed in the […]


Confused by Put Options? Answers to Your Most Common Questions

You’ve probably heard the phrases, “What goes up, must come down” and “All good things must come to an end” when someone talks about the end of a bull run in the stock market. Both of those statements infer that your investments can only grow in value when the market is rising. But what if […]


The Basics of Call Options (and How They Can Be Used as Part of Your Investment Strategy)

The emerald-cut rock you slipped on your partner’s finger while down on bended knee was a symbol of your intent to marry. But in some instances — for one reason or another — that diamond might not turn into an “I do.” You can think of a call option as the engagement ring of the […]


How Covered Calls Can Fit into Your Investment Strategy

Ok, so you may not be a professional day trader. But you are the type of investor who prefers trading individual stocks, options, and other securities on your own. So you’re always on the lookout for different approaches to implement within your own investment strategy. One option trading strategy that has gained momentum among DIY […]


How to Avoid the Top 10 Mistakes in Option Trading

When trading options, it’s possible to profit if stocks go up, down, or sideways. You can use option strategies to cut losses, protect gains, and control large chunks of stock with a relatively small cash outlay. Sounds great, right? Here’s the catch. You can also lose more than the entire amount you invested in a […]


Option Trading Terminology & Definitions

The technical jargon associated with option trading can often make it seem intimidating. That’s why we decided to create this option trading terminology cheat sheet to help you keep track of it all. Here are some of the more common terms you’ll hear in a room full of option traders. A | B | C | D |  E  | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R […]


Yay or Nay: Is Option Trading Right for You?

Option trading is a viable option for any investor with the time and interest to learn the basics and understand the guidelines. Getting smart about what options can bring to your portfolio can go a long way toward helping you reach your full investment potential. Although investors of all stripes trade options, it’s not something […]


How Option Pricing Is Determined [Video]

For many investors, it’s appealing to buy a cheap stock and buy as many shares as you possibly can. You sound pretty good at a cocktail party, right? In the options world, that’s not always the case. Don’t wait until it’s too late, and too costly, to learn the basics of options pricing. If you […]


How to Read a Stock Option Quote [Video]

Learn how to read a stock option quote so you can understand the specific terms and conditions of the option contract very quickly. There are five parts of a standard stock options quote: stock symbol, expiration date, strike price, type, and premium. Watch this video to learn more. Did You Know? If you think option […]

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