How to Choose a Good Neighborhood (For You and Your Wallet)
Whether or not it’s your first time buying a home, we know you’re not moving out from under a rock. We assume you’ve done your research and are well-aware of the long and sometimes complicated metaphorical receipt that can come with a new home. Taxes, home insurance, neighborhood association dues, realtor fees… Not to mention […]
A Tiny House Can Make a Huge Difference in your Finances
When you live in a home that is just a few hundred square feet, it’s not just your storage space that is impacted. This choice comes with a lifestyle and, in some cases, some not-so-tiny financial implications. So it’s not just tiny houses – it’s a movement. A movement towards simpler, smaller homes which gives many […]
Buying a Second Home? Here’s What to Consider
One isn’t always enough. Houses, that is. For some lucky folks, vacations aren’t truly relaxing if they occur in impersonal hotels or resorts. They literally want a home away from home. If you’re among this fortunate bunch, here are some key factors to remember when deciding to buy twice. Location, Location, Location Do your homework […]
Moving Tips: How to Pack Your Car When Moving
Moving is one of life’s biggest anxieties. The process of essentially packing up your life into little boxes is uniquely stressful. There’s one simple way to mitigate this: make your car the main moving vehicle. Pack Smart Moving and movers are expensive. However, using your car as a personal moving truck does save a little. […]
5 Tips for First Time Home Buyers: What You Need to Know
Because it’s viewed as the logical step after renting, many Americans still believe in the value of homeownership. Despite this widely held desire, lots of people aren’t aware of what happens once leaping to buy. Here’s what you need to know before closing this important deal. Evaluate Your Credit Because getting a home loan demands […]
Downsizing Your Home? Benefits and Drawbacks to Consider
Downsizing your home tends to be painted in a relatively negative light. But it’s an important and at times a worthwhile decision for recent retirees and empty nesters. Benefits For a significant number of retirees, much of their wealth is tied up in home equity. That’s important to realize because downsizing is a great way […]
Renting vs Buying: To Buy or Not to Buy a House
Of all milestones associated with early adulthood, few are bigger than making the transition from renter to homeowner. While this rite of passage is a common goal, individual circumstances can differ and there are many contributing factors that must be weighed into the decision. Here are five of the most important things to be mindful […]
Behind the Scenes with Kiplinger: Does a Timeshare Make Sense For You? [Video]
Have you found your perfect vacation spot and plan to make it your yearly travel destination? If so, a Timeshare might be an option to consider. A Timeshare is partial ownership in a vacation property that you can make your regular home away from home – usually for one week a year, and can be […]
How to Save Money On Your Home… Away from Home
Winter is a season for getaways. Some people may make a seasonal move to warmer climates, while others may just take long weekends to enjoy winter sports. If your winter plans include time away from home, you may want to plan ahead and find simple ways to save money on your home while you’re away […]
Selling Your Home in the Rebounding Housing Market
Have you spent the last few years wondering when and how you’d be able to sell your home without taking a loss? If so, your worries may be coming to an end. According to experts, the U.S. housing market is showing strong signs of a rebound. Home builders are the most confident they’ve been since […]