Vehicle Care

Half of Drivers Paid Costly Repair Bills Last Year. Here’s How You Can Avoid the Expense

Say your car has a huge problem on your way to work one day. Smoke is coming out of the tailpipe. The engine overheats. You’re left with no choice but to have it towed to a garage, where a mechanic disassembles a portion of your engine and discovers the problem: a blown head gasket. Sounds […]


Money Confessions From Real-Life Savers—and How to Avoid These Common Setbacks

Despite setting a budget, do you find yourself overspending?  Think: last minute getaways, daily acai bowls, that $250 pair of shoes that you really don’t need but… While we’ve all made an impulse purchase or overspent, some of us are more willing to admit it than others. Once you realize where you struggle, though, you […]

Online Banking

Don’t Settle for Less: 5 Signs It’s Time to Break Up With Your Bank

As the song goes, “breaking up is hard to do.” That’s true whether it’s a relationship with someone you love, your hair stylist, or even your bank. And it’s even harder when the relationship isn’t bad, per se, but rather, could just be better in certain aspects. You’re probably satisfied with some of the things […]

Guest Voices

How to Build a CD Ladder: Tess Wicks Explains

Make your cash work harder in a certificate of deposit–but not just one–ladder your deposits to help diversify your cash investments, reach your savings goals, and get a more secure bang for your buck. What Is a CD Ladder? A CD ladder is built by depositing a sum of money, equally, across multiple certificates of […]

Finance Basics

Who First Taught You About Money? Lessons Learned from Real-Life Savers

Life is full of a lot of firsts. Your first car. The first time you traveled abroad. And who can forget their first love? But what about your first “financial advisor?” This person is probably not even a professional financial advisor. And depending on who it is, he or she may or may not hold […]


Even Better Together: When an IRA Goes With Your 401(k)

You may feel pretty good about your retirement plan if you have a company 401(k). And you may even feel great if your employer matches your contributions—because, hey, free money! But if you’re like most people, you still wonder if your savings will keep up with those birthdays. Both 401(k) plans and IRAs are designed […]


IRA Rollovers: Move Your Money Without Breaking the Rules

If moving your retirement funds around makes you a little nervous, there’s good reason. With many retirement plans, including IRAs and 401(k)s, if you’re not careful, you could end up paying unexpected penalties and additional tax. Understand a few basic rules and consult with a tax professional so you can move your money without making […]


Your Future of Freedom: 3 Ways to Keep Funds Flowing to Your IRA

That adventurous future you’ve imagined is going to cost money. And opening an IRA (individual retirement account) is a great way to help you save up. But since your IRA won’t fund itself, here are three things you should do to help your retirement savings keep up with your future self. Re-energize your balance. First, […]

New Home

11 Terms to Know Before Applying for a Home Loan

So, you’ve decided to buy a home. You’ve found the perfect property and your offer was accepted. (Congratulations!) Now you’re ready to apply for a home loan. There’s just one small wrinkle: you don’t speak mortgage-ese. It’s not unusual to be confused by all the jargon, especially if you’re a first-time homebuyer. Lucky for you, […]

Online Banking

APY, APR, and Interest Rates: What You Need to Know and the One Thing You Don’t Want to Overlook

If you try to compare rates on things like auto loans, credit cards, home loans, or savings accounts, you’ll quickly see APY (annual percentage yield) and APR (annual percentage rate) numbers quoted all over the place. In a nutshell, APY refers to what you can earn in interest while APR refers to what you can […]

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