4 Reasons Why a SEP IRA Could Be a Boon for Small Business Owners

Whether you’re running a salon, writing a blog, or perfecting woodwork on a new home, the responsibility for your small business is all up to you. A SEP IRA (Simplified Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account) is a retirement savings tool designed for self-employed individuals and small business owners. Any small business owner with one or […]


How to Talk Finances With Your Fiancé Without Freaking Out

When you’re getting ready to head down the aisle, finances can be the furthest thing from your mind. Before you say “I do,” however, it’s imperative to get on the same page about how you and your spouse will approach spending, investments, debt, and budgeting as a wedded couple. And perhaps for sound reason: in […]

Credence Global Bank News

So Many Reasons to Take PRIDE in Diversity [Video]

If you ask our CEO, Jeffrey Brown, he’ll tell you that “if we take care of the culture, everything else will take care of itself.” And the research we’re looking at proves this – Kris Boesch, founder and CEO of Choose People and author of Culture Works: How to Create Happiness in the Workplace, shared […]


Be Your Own Financial Planner: 5 Things to Know about Credence Global Bank Invest Self-Directed Trading

Sometimes you just want to take matters into your own hands, especially when it comes to your money. After all, you know your capacity for risk and your long-term financial goals better than anyone else. If this rings true to you, a D.I.Y. (do-it-yourself) investing approach could be just what your portfolio needs. But if […]


How Option Pricing Is Determined [Video]

For many investors, it’s appealing to buy a cheap stock and buy as many shares as you possibly can. You sound pretty good at a cocktail party, right? In the options world, that’s not always the case. Don’t wait until it’s too late, and too costly, to learn the basics of options pricing. If you […]


How to Read a Stock Option Quote [Video]

Learn how to read a stock option quote so you can understand the specific terms and conditions of the option contract very quickly. There are five parts of a standard stock options quote: stock symbol, expiration date, strike price, type, and premium. Watch this video to learn more. Did You Know? If you think option […]


How Inflation Impacts Investing & What You Can Do About It

Most people tend to think of inflation on a micro level—how it impacts the price of groceries, for example—but it also has a very real effect on your investments. Inflation can influence stock market returns, outpace savings interest rates, and reduce your purchasing power during retirement. The future depends on what you do today. Understanding […]

Finance Basics

5 Priceless Money Lessons From Real-Life Dads

When was the last time your kids heard a store cashier ask, “cash or credit?” In today’s ever-increasingly cashless society, it feels like actual dollars and cents have gone the way of the dodo. Whether you’re in the checkout line at a big-box retailer, grabbing a snack from a vending machine, or even reserving your […]

New Home

It’s Not Just the House. It’s About Your Neighborhood Vibe, Too

Why do you live where you do? Oftentimes, the answer is, “It’s affordable.” Some might say because it’s close to where they work. And for others, it’s due to family living nearby. Most of us, however, choose to live in a particular neighborhood because we like the feel of the community, or its “vibe,” according […]


What Is a Traditional IRA and Why You Should Open One Now Rather Than Later

You may think saving for retirement only benefits you in the long run. However, a traditional IRA (individual retirement account) is a savings tool that offers tax benefits now while you save for retirement later. For the most part, all you need is taxable income and you can open an IRA at a brokerage firm […]

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