New Home

When Does It Make Sense (and Cents) to Get PMI with Your Home Loan?

“You need at least a 20 percent down payment if you want to buy a home.” Sound familiar? If you’ve been thinking about buying your first home, you’ve probably heard that bit of wisdom a time or two (or 12). But is it true? Not necessarily. It’s absolutely possible to get approved for a mortgage […]


Yay or Nay: Is Option Trading Right for You?

Option trading is a viable option for any investor with the time and interest to learn the basics and understand the guidelines. Getting smart about what options can bring to your portfolio can go a long way toward helping you reach your full investment potential. Although investors of all stripes trade options, it’s not something […]


7 Ways Our Raise Your Rate CD Can Help You Boost Your Savings

Saving money in a certificate of deposit (CD) can be a smart way to keep yourself from dipping into it prematurely. It’s like putting a lock on the cookie jar to keep you from being tempted. But one catch with traditional CDs is that fixed interest rates may cause you to miss out—if CD rates […]

New Home

How You Can Think of Your Mortgage Payment as a Restaurant Check

When you go out for dinner, the amount you owe is based upon what you order off the menu. If you select a large entrée or one made with specialty ingredients and drink a cocktail or two, for instance, you’ll pay more than if you chose a couple small plates and a glass of iced […]

New Home

4 Reasons to Consider Refinancing Your Home

Owning a home is the American Dream, and if you’re like most, your mortgage payment accounts for a significant portion of your budget. Refinancing can help lower your costs and potentially save you money, but how do you know if it’s the right move? Whether refinancing makes sense hinges on what you stand to gain. […]

New Home

10 Things Homeowners Wish They Had Known Before Buying Their First Home

“If only I knew then what I know now.” “Hindsight is 20/20.” “I wish I would’ve thought of that back then.” If given the chance, would you go back in the past to learn more about a situation or to do something different? Turns out, first-time homeowners would answer that question with a resounding “YES!” […]

New Home

Closing Time: The Final Countdown to Home Ownership

It’s normal to feel a jumble of emotions when you’re in the home stretch of the mortgage process. Receiving approval and closing on your new house can be exciting, daunting, and tedious all at once. This checklist will arm you with the knowledge you need to remain calm, cool, and have everything collected for the […]

New Home

5 Ways to Increase Your Financial Fitness Before Buying a Home

Are you more of the “everything in moderation” type than an “I’ll get to it someday” kind of person when it comes to your physical health? In other words, you work out and eat a balanced diet, typically opting for a salad or roasted chicken over a burger and fries. (But of course, you’ve got […]

New Home

How Is Your Mortgage Interest Rate Determined?

While exciting, buying a home can feel a bit overwhelming at times. After all, there are many questions that you want answered. How much can I afford? Will the property taxes increase next year? Should I avoid a house that’s part of a homeowners association? And let’s not forget one of the most important questions: […]

New Home

How Much House Can You Really Afford?

You’ve made a huge decision: You’re going to purchase a house. But while you’ve been diligently setting money aside for the down payment, you still don’t know the answer to one of the most important home-buying questions: How much can you afford to put toward a monthly house payment? When taking this exciting step, it’s […]

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