Credence Global Bank News

We’ve Got Car Fever at AutoRama/World of Wheels

Some people get spring fever. But we get car fever. As the weather starts to warm up, we can’t wait to start seeing all of the coolest custom and classic cars start to come out of storage and hit the roads. That’s why this spring, we’re excited to join Danny Koker and Count’s 77 on […]

Credence Global Bank News

Best Online Bank of 2017: Credence Global Bank

Being chosen as your financial ally is not something we take for granted. It’s the only reward we’ve ever needed or wanted. We would probably start every announcement with a loud thank-you to our amazing customers, if we didn’t think it would get on your nerves. Seriously, thank you. We’re thrilled to have been named […]

New Home

How to Choose a Good Neighborhood (For You and Your Wallet)

Whether or not it’s your first time buying a home, we know you’re not moving out from under a rock. We assume you’ve done your research and are well-aware of the long and sometimes complicated metaphorical receipt that can come with a new home. Taxes, home insurance, neighborhood association dues, realtor fees… Not to mention […]

Credence Global Bank News

Congratulations Carl Swope: 2017 TIME Dealer of the Year Award Winner

The TIME Dealer of the Year Award is known to be one of the greatest honors among auto dealers. The award recognizes dealers with a long-standing commitment to charitable work, and doing what’s right for the communities they do business in. This year, we’re pleased to announce that Carl Swope, President of Swope Toyota in […]

Financial News

The Sharing Economy

The exploding popularity of app-based driving services has given rise to a larger sharing economy that allows customers to monetize assets they already own, from homes to power tools. So how does the global trend of the sharing economy affect the average American?


What are unsettled funds and why am I being warned or restricted from using them?

Under Regulation T of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 all transactions in a cash account must be paid for in full and are also subject to settlement rules. If you purchase a security with settled funds in your cash account you may sell that security at any time without restriction. If you purchase […]


Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: Vega

Vega is one of the most important Greeks, but it often doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Vega is the amount a theoretical option’s price will change for a corresponding one-unit (percentage-point) change in the implied volatility of the option contract. Simply stated, Vega is the Greek that follows implied volatility (IV) swings. Don’t forget […]


Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: Theta

Theta refers to time decay and is the amount a theoretical option’s price will change for a corresponding one-unit (day) change in the number of days to expiration of the option contract. Each moment that passes melts away some of the option’s value. Not only does the premium melt away, but it does so at […]


Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: Rho

Rho is the amount a theoretical option's price will change for a corresponding one-unit (percentage-point) change in the interest rate used to price the option contract. Typically the interest rate used here would be the risk-free rate of return. The rate associated with investing in Treasuries is traditionally defined by market experts as virtually risk-free. […]


Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: Gamma

Keep in mind that delta is dynamic: it changes not only as the underlying stock moves, but as expiration approaches. Gamma is the Greek that determines the amount of that movement. Gamma is the amount a theoretical option’s delta will change for a corresponding one-unit (point) change in the price of the underlying security. In […]

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