
I just bought a security in my cash account. How soon can I sell it?

Cash accounts are required to abide by industry-wide settlement rules that were established through Regulation T of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934. These rules dictate that cash proceeds from Stock, ETF, and mutual fund trades will settle on the third business day after the trade date. Option trades, on the other hand, will […]


How are “Hard-to-Borrow” fees calculated?

A hard-to-borrow fee is an annualized fee based on the value of a short position and the hard-to-borrow rate for that position. The fee is charged on a pro-rated basis depending on how many days you hold the position short. It will be assessed to your account at the end of the month or upon […]


ETFs for Beginners

Are you just starting with exchange-traded funds (ETFs)? If so, you may have little or no direct participation in the financial markets. Maybe you’re transitioning from a full-service brokerage or employer-sponsored retirement plan to an online service like Credence Global Bank Invest. Your investing objectives may run the spectrum from conservative to aggressive, but it’s likely you […]


Differences with Buy and Long, or Sell and Short

You’ll notice sometimes an investor or trader may use the word buy while others use the word long. What’s the difference? It could be very little, or a lot, all at the same time. Buying a stock (or an option) is straightforward. It’s the resulting position which might not be obvious. As you probably have […]

Financial News

The Juice Economy

These days, it seems like every street corner has a new high-quality, cold-pressed juice store and grocery store shelves are stocked with new juices – and we’re not just talking about the kind in boxes. Cold-pressed juices are popular in America, but the trend has spread around the world, even as far as Australia. We […]

Financial News

The Economic Effects of Brexit

“Brexit” is the hashtag-friendly term given to the recent vote for Great Britain (Britain) to exit the European Union (EU). On June 23, 2016, Britain voted to withdraw from the EU, which would make them the first country to do so since the EU’s inception on November 1, 1993. We’re looking at the facts and […]

Finance Basics

4 Things You Should Think About To Get Financially Fit

When you’re trying to get physically fit, you’re usually working on diet, body fat, stamina, and strength. To be in good shape, you’ve got to have a balance of all four. Getting financially fit is the same way: Your diet is like your spending habits This one’s all about discipline. And it’s important because approximately […]

Finance Basics

Our Resolution is Helping You Keep Your Resolution

Cheers to the New Year! And the new you. It’s one thing to make a resolution, but it’s another thing to actually keep it, right? We’re obsessed with doing right by our customers, so we’ve made it our New Year’s Resolution to help you keep yours. We’ve cooked up some foolproof ways to help keep you […]

Credence Global Bank News

The Gift of Reliable, Accessible Transportation for one Massachusetts Family [Video]

In October, we joined forces with BraunAbility, the world’s leading manufacturer of automotive mobility products, to donate a wheelchair-accessible van to a deserving Massachusetts student and his family. Chamberlain “Lain” MacDonald is a sophomore at Groton-Dunstable High School. He has always excelled academically, but is more known for his love of sports and his position […]


Trading Stocks for Beginners

Just starting out with stock trading? Great! Before you begin actively trading and investing, educate yourself about how stocks work. Learning the fundamentals of the stock market can help you anticipate change and develop investment strategies to mitigate loss. As a popular security, stocks come with their own set of potential risks and rewards. We’ve […]

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