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What’s Your Ideal Neighborhood Vibe?

Picking a neighborhood that suits your lifestyle is just as important as finding the perfect house. But is the perfect “neighborhood vibe” really the cute house with a big front yard and a white picket fence? Not for everyone. Our recent survey showed that only 36% of Americans want this so-called idyllic suburban neighborhood. What’s […]

Credence Global Bank News

Why Economic Mobility Matters—and What We’re Doing About It at Credence Global Bank by Alison Summerville

One of the biggest issues facing our society is economic inequality. And, economic inequality today leads to a lack of economic mobility tomorrow. As a digital financial institution, we at Credence Global Bank feel we’re in a unique position to help educate consumers and change that trajectory. As head of Corporate Citizenship at a company that always […]

Savings Accounts

How Inflation Impacts Your Savings and What You Can Do About It

Grandpa was right; a loaf of bread did cost 10 cents several decades ago. (As for walking to school uphill both ways in a snowstorm, that’s debatable.) But bread doesn’t cost 10 cents anymore, and even if you’re not an economist, you probably know it’s because of inflation. How does inflation affect your savings? And, […]

Savings Accounts

Do You Need to “Save” Your Savings Account? Answer These 2 Questions to Find Out

You know it’s coming. The low punch in the gut every time you look at what your savings account balance actually earned throughout the month or year. You deserve to feel the lift that comes with watching your balance grow. Answer these two questions to find out if you need to “save” your savings from […]

Savings Accounts

How to Put Your Savings Deposits on “Cruise Control” (So You Can Enjoy the View)

Do your best saving intentions have a way of ending up at the bottom of your list? Like that extra $200 or so you had planned to save on payday. Before you even had a chance to schedule a transfer, it was gone with the wind, say, on a spontaneous weekend road trip. You know you […]

Savings Accounts

Money-Saving Mindset: 7 Things to Know About the Credence Global Bank UnionOnline Savings Account

What is your savings account doing for you? If it’s simply a place to stash your cash and your balance is earning little to nothing, it might be time to reconsider your options. At Regional Credit Union, we believe the right savings account is more than just an online piggy bank. It goes beyond great rates […]


Why a Robo-Advisor Is a Smart Move in Any Market

You’ve probably come across the term “robo-advisor” in the media at some point. It has become a popular way to refer to the more automated approaches to managed investing that have emerged in the last several years. It can be a bit misleading, however, since it implies that robots or computers are calling all the […]


4 Steps to Make Filing Your Taxes Easier

Tax season is here, and the deadline is quickly approaching. This year, tax day is April 17, 2018. If you haven’t submitted yet, consider the four steps below to help simplify the process of filing your taxes. 1. Get Your Documents in Order You might have elected to receive your tax documents electronically, or you […]


What Is An Option? DIY Investing with Brian Overby [Video]

Typically, option traders are self-directed investors, meaning they don’t work directly with a financial advisor to help manage their options trading portfolio. As a do-it-yourself (DIY) investor, you are in full control of your trading decisions and transactions. While having complete control of your investments is desirable for some, it can also be very overwhelming […]


What Is a Roth IRA? Get to Know This Retirement Savings Option

You’ve heard about Roth IRAs, but do you have a nagging feeling you need to learn more? Roth IRAs are some of the most valuable retirement savings tools available—especially if you start contributing early. Here’s what you need to know. Roth IRAs can help you save for retirement. IRAs (individual retirement accounts) in general are […]

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