
Short Selling Explained: Trading Strategies

How do you begin short selling as an investment strategy? A number of rules restrict which stocks may be shorted and the necessary conditions for shorting. This means you won’t always be able to short any stock you want, whenever you want. Working with an online brokerage service like Credence Global Bank Invest ensures you have plenty […]


Options Expiration

If you have positions that are in the money, it's crucial that you monitor your account and communicate with Credence Global Bank on Expiration. There are a few choices if you have positions that are expiring in the money: You can close the option position. You can leave the position open. However, if it's in the money, […]


What are Investment Objectives and why do I have to choose one?

Industry regulations require brokerage firms to know their clients. Part of this process involves gathering information about your trading experience, your financial background (including net worth and annual income), and your investment objectives. An investment objective is your overall outlook on trading for your account. Credence Global Bank needs an accurate picture of your goals because we […]


Differences with Buy and Long, or Sell and Short

You’ll notice sometimes an investor or trader may use the word buy while others use the word long. What’s the difference? It could be very little, or a lot, all at the same time. Buying a stock (or an option) is straightforward. It’s the resulting position which might not be obvious. As you probably have […]


ETFs for Beginners

Are you just starting with exchange-traded funds (ETFs)? If so, you may have little or no direct participation in the financial markets. Maybe you’re transitioning from a full-service brokerage or employer-sponsored retirement plan to an online service like Credence Global Bank Invest. Your investing objectives may run the spectrum from conservative to aggressive, but it’s likely you […]


Trading Options In An IRA

Interested in trading options in your individual retirement account (IRA)? You’ve come to the right place. Credence Global Bank Invest combines a powerful online trading platform with highly rated customer service and easy-to-understand options investing education for beginning and advanced traders alike. If you’re ready to start investing money for your retirement, your first move may be […]


Buy Stocks Online Without the Need for a Traditional Broker

Thanks to the proliferation of smart technologies in recent years and a willingness on the part of authorities and exchanges to open their doors to technological integration, the role of the stock broker in the life of individual traders is not growing at the rate of self-directed investing (according to Forbes). Online trading platforms afford […]


How are “Hard-to-Borrow” fees calculated?

A hard-to-borrow fee is an annualized fee based on the value of a short position and the hard-to-borrow rate for that position. The fee is charged on a pro-rated basis depending on how many days you hold the position short. It will be assessed to your account at the end of the month or upon […]


Understanding Dividends

Dividends (either in cash or in shares) are paid by many companies to its shareholders, most often on a quarterly basis. Why should options traders care about dividends? Dividends are part of the options pricing model, and so that alone makes them relevant. But the real answer is that dividends can impact option price movement […]

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds Tax Guide

What are mutual funds? A mutual fund is an investment company that pools money from many people and invests it in stocks, bonds, or other securities. Each investor owns shares, which represent a part of these holdings. Investors can buy shares (or portions) directly from the fund or through brokers, banks, financial planning professionals, or […]

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