Collar Strategies
You can think of a collar as simultaneously running a protective put and a covered call. Some investors think this is a sexy trade because the covered call helps to pay for the protective put. So you've limited the downside on the stock for less than it would cost to buy a put alone, but […]
Short Put Strategies
When selling puts with no intention of buying the stock, you want the puts you sell to expire worthless. This strategy has a limited profit potential if the stock remains above strike A at expiration, but substantial potential risk if the stock goes down. The reason some traders run this strategy is that there is […]
Options Expiration
If you have positions that are in the money, it's crucial that you monitor your account and communicate with Credence Global Bank on Expiration. There are a few choices if you have positions that are expiring in the money: You can close the option position. You can leave the position open. However, if it's in the money, […]
Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: Rho
Rho is the amount a theoretical option's price will change for a corresponding one-unit (percentage-point) change in the interest rate used to price the option contract. Typically the interest rate used here would be the risk-free rate of return. The rate associated with investing in Treasuries is traditionally defined by market experts as virtually risk-free. […]
Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: Theta
Theta refers to time decay and is the amount a theoretical option’s price will change for a corresponding one-unit (day) change in the number of days to expiration of the option contract. Each moment that passes melts away some of the option’s value. Not only does the premium melt away, but it does so at […]
Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: Vega
Vega is one of the most important Greeks, but it often doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Vega is the amount a theoretical option’s price will change for a corresponding one-unit (percentage-point) change in the implied volatility of the option contract. Simply stated, Vega is the Greek that follows implied volatility (IV) swings. Don’t forget […]
Trading Options In An IRA
Interested in trading options in your individual retirement account (IRA)? You’ve come to the right place. Credence Global Bank Invest combines a powerful online trading platform with highly rated customer service and easy-to-understand options investing education for beginning and advanced traders alike. If you’re ready to start investing money for your retirement, your first move may be […]
Understanding Dividends
Dividends (either in cash or in shares) are paid by many companies to its shareholders, most often on a quarterly basis. Why should options traders care about dividends? Dividends are part of the options pricing model, and so that alone makes them relevant. But the real answer is that dividends can impact option price movement […]
Protective Put Strategy
You buy stock because you're bullish and expect the stock's price to go up. Since you're bullish, chances are you aren't too preoccupied with the downside. But as we all know, markets can shift quickly. Puts are a handy tool to help lock in profits on your existing positions in the event of a sudden […]
Understanding Option Greeks and Dividends: An Introduction
In the options marketplace, the Greeks have zero to do with classic philosophers or toga parties (unless you're trading from the fraternity house). For option traders, the Greeks are a series of handy variables that help explain the various factors driving movement in options prices (also known as premiums). Many options traders mistakenly assume that […]