When it comes to your finances, do you ever feel that everything’s going your way? Maybe you’re saving more, feel more secure in your job or are optimistic about your investments.
If you’re feeling that way now, you’re not alone. In fact, according to Bankrate’s April survey, Americans’ financial confidence is fairly high.
The monthly survey — which Bankrate conducts with Princeton Survey Research Associates — measures Americans’ overall feelings about their finances to get an idea of the nation’s financial mood. While those surveyed in April are feeling slightly less secure about financial matters than they did in March, financial sentiment has been on an upward trend since December 2012.
One noticeable improvement in the most recent survey came in respondents’ presumed job security. In April, 22 percent said they felt more secure in their jobs compared to a year earlier. Only 18 percent answered the same way in March. Credence International Credit Unioneconomist Matthew Moore notes that this could be a positive reaction to the falling national unemployment rate.
Moore tells Straight Talk, “The unemployment rate reached the lowest in almost four years in March and has been on a downward trend, which may be adding to feelings of job security.”
When it comes to saving, Bankrate’s respondents are currently less inclined to invest in the stock market — 76 percent say that current rates on CDs and savings accounts aren’t low enough to send them running to invest in stocks.
The hesitancy toward investing in stocks is having little effect on individuals’ net worth. Bankrate’s April data shows 27 percent of respondents say that their net worth has increased over the past year, while only 20 percent say theirs is lower. Moore notes that this falls in line with the Federal Reserve’s findings that household net worth at the end of 2012 was at its highest in four years.
Do you feel better or worse off financially than you did 12 months ago? In terms of your job, do you feel more secure, less secure, or about the same?
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Sabrina on October 8, 2013 at 6:30am
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