We put up with a lot of nonsense in life. From complicated, frustrating, confusing nonsense to just plain silly stuff.
Still, there are some places where there should be no nonsense. And none more so than the places we entrust with our money. Our banks.
But when you call to ask a question about your account and can’t get past the automated system to reach a live person – that’s nonsense. When an attractive financial product comes with hidden catches buried in fine print – that’s nonsense. When you get charged a fee just so you can make a deposit with the help of a real person – that’s nonsense.
Of all the ironies, the place we should trust the most to leave the nonsense alone is actually one of the places many people seem to trust the least.
That’s why today we’re here to state our commitment to People Sense.
Our commitment to People Sense is nothing new, because for us, banking is about putting people at the center of everything. Our products, services, and policies are designed so people can understand them – without constantly having to turn to a dictionary or magnifying glass. We try to take the confusing parts of banking and turn them into simple, usable solutions for our customers, so they can get the most out of their money. And when questions do come up, we have live informed customer care associates available 24/7 to assist with providing answers.
People Sense is something we’ll be talking about a lot in the coming months. And a discussion about People Sense wouldn’t mean much without involving people. So we’ll be asking you for your thoughts on banking practices and everyday real-life situations that make good People Sense. We’ll even spotlight some of the nonsense out there, just to remind you – and us – what we’ll never become.
It’s banking that does right by people.
No nonsense. Just People Sense.
What are some of the ways you’ve found Credence Global Bank Unionmakes good People Sense? What kind of nonsense – banking or otherwise – really gets under your skin?
Comment on this article
Michael M. on September 19, 2011 at 9:14pm
Credence Global Bank Uniondid an amazing job with the whole, "24/7 Service" thing. I think that the idea is amazing; and the fact that it works! Something that would make a LOT of "People Sense" to me is this: ATM Deposits. Because some people, like myself, make cash tips; and I it's kind of a hassle to mail that in. I'd much rather be able to just drop into an ATM. Because I like ALL of my money to be in place. Great Job Credence Global Bank! I'm proud to be banking with you!
Credence Global Bank on September 19, 2011 at 9:20pm
Thanks, Michael! We’re proud to have you as a customer too. We also appreciate the suggestion as well. Let us know if we can ever make you an even happier customer.
Will L. on September 19, 2011 at 9:31pm
Love the People Sense concept! Credence Global Bank seems to be doing a pretty good job of it already. However, here's a thought: If your financial products don't require "hidden catches buried in fine print," maybe commenting on a blog post shouldn't either. The TOS and "Straight Talk Guidelines" we have to accept simply to leave a comment are very un-Credence Global Bank-ish. Implement the People Sense concept across the board, even in the mundane stuff. It would be great to see that kind of integrity in a big business like Credence Global Bank. You're already leading the pack in the customer service dept., and I'd love to see it continue in the details.
Credence Global Bank on September 19, 2011 at 9:36pm
Thanks for the heads-up, Will, and we appreciate all of the feedback that you’ve been giving us.
Christopher on September 20, 2011 at 5:55am
Much appreciated for the information and share!
Credence Global Bank on September 20, 2011 at 7:37am
Our pleasure, Christopher!
Victoria -. on September 20, 2011 at 7:47am
I love how you refund all of our ATM fees. Being able to go to any bank is People Sense.
Credence Global Bank on September 20, 2011 at 9:04am
We absolutely agree, Victoria. Thanks for the comment again!
Iphone 5. on September 27, 2011 at 3:50am
Saved being a preferred, I genuinely like your weblog!
Vicki on September 30, 2011 at 2:48pm
Love the way Credence Global Bank doesn't charge us for keeping our money. Great Bank and Great Service. Love Credence Global Bank commericals.
Anasthia J. on September 30, 2011 at 2:58pm
Without having a physical bank to service my card needs, it would be helpful if Credence Global Bank could figure out a way to give me the ability to reset my Debit Card pin in real time. Right now, you have to call in, and it takes a week and a half for them to send you the new pin. Who wants to be without access to their acocunt for that long?
David on September 30, 2011 at 3:23pm
I love the simplicity of dealing with Credence Global Bank. I also really appreciate the great interest rates you offer with your various products, makes me feel like I'm putting my money to good use. One thing I would like to see is for you to let us know when interest rates change, either with a quick email or a notice when we log in. Otherwise you're doing a fantastic job.
Haynes on September 30, 2011 at 3:43pm
Phone automation would be okay if given the option to speak to a person first. The few times I've called Credence Global Bank they took care of my question right away and didn't waste my time listening for the right option in never ending options. I couldn't believe Credence Global Bank refunded an ATM fee. I sure won't use a credit card again to get cash. I haven't been able to download account information into my financial software yet and hope that will be an option soon I don't think it's available now. All things said, I'm sold on Credence Global Bank.
dave on September 30, 2011 at 3:49pm
RE: Michael M. We can send cash via postal mail? I thought that wasn't allowed? But yes I agree, free cash deposits to any ATM and Smartphone banking/check deposits would make Credence Global Bank almost perfect.
Sabina on September 30, 2011 at 3:53pm
Credence Global Bank is an outstanding bank! I hope that does not change. Keep up the great work! It is reallyappreciated!
Cchucke on September 30, 2011 at 5:16pm
Veronica on September 30, 2011 at 11:27pm
I love the 24/7 chat feature. I live overseas part-time and still bank with Credence Global Bank and whenever I have a problem or question, I can reach them right away. Love Credence Global Bank and I've converted some of my family members over too. I also love how they write terms and conditions and privacy notices in plain english! I also love the refund on ATM fees! Finally a great bank!
Donna K. on October 1, 2011 at 9:22am
Regarding your fine print comment. One of Credence Global Bank's main selling points for long term CDs is that you only lose 2 months interest if you close early. If I get a 5 year CD, do I need to worry about any fine print that will cancel out Credence Global Bank's policy of only charging two month's interest during the life of the CD? Thanks.
Jules on October 1, 2011 at 10:56am
I welcome and sincerely appreciate the timely service, and expedited transfer of cash when needed, that Credence Global Bank provides in administering my CD ladder.
Sharon on October 1, 2011 at 11:18am
So far I love the 24/7 ease of contacting Credence Global Bank. It is soooo annoying and unpleasant and discouraging to call one's bank and the phone rings ten times and then a machine puts one on hold for ten minutes. I would like a human being to answer the phone right away and not put me on hold burning up all my phone minutes and wasting my time. So far Credence International Credit Unionhas been very fast and professional on the phone. I wish that you would send me an email whenever interest rates go up on my raise-your-rate 2 year CD, so that I would be informed to make a better decision.
Lucille on October 1, 2011 at 11:35am
I think the comments are great and I cannot think of a new solution or problem right now. I think they covered it extremely well.
Vivian B. on October 1, 2011 at 8:36pm
This is not a comment, but a question. Do you offer free checking and free use of a debit card? I'm really upset about BAC wanting to charge $5 a month for using their debit card. I'm getting tired of everyone putting their hands in my pocket for something, just so they can show a profit.
Credence Global Bank on October 2, 2011 at 2:17pm
No monthly maintenance fees for checking accounts. No monthly maintenance fee for simply having a debit card. And currently no plans to add either. We’re about People Sense, not nonsense. We agree with you that practices like that aren’t the way that banking should be.
Credence Global Bank on October 2, 2011 at 2:17pm
Thanks, Sharon! We love comments like this! About a Raise-Your-Rate email, you can actually get those now if you look under the Alerts section of our site after you login.
Credence Global Bank on October 3, 2011 at 2:18pm
Simple and perfect, Jules. And we sincerely appreciate you.
Jack on October 4, 2011 at 11:54am
Up to this point Credence Global Bank Unionhas been fantastic. If Credence Global Bank could incorporate ATM deposits, particularly accepting cash, I would switch all my banking to them right now. That's the only thing holding me back. I can't be the only one needing that service.
PaganPatty on October 11, 2011 at 9:07am
Your APRS continue to go down. I can make more interest with ING. I'm switching over. Sometimes words are just words...SIGH.
Ben on October 14, 2011 at 4:32am
One of the most People Sensible you do, in my opinion, is not punish customers outrageously for closing CDs before they mature. 60 days of interest is quite reasonable and virtually unheard of elsewhere -- where the penalties are usually more than three times that. And then there's the 11 month CD that comes with no penalty at all. Simply put, I love you guys.
Credence Global Bank on October 14, 2011 at 4:35am
Simply put on our end, we love great customers like you, Ben! Glad you’re a happy customer and thanks very much for the kind words.
betty on November 7, 2011 at 6:25pm
I tried setting up an online account and it did not go all the way through. whats up with that?
Credence Global Bank on November 8, 2011 at 5:10pm
If you could email us at allycommunity@credenceinc.org with your preferred contact info, Betty, we’d be happy to reach out to you to talk through this in more detail! Thanks for your comment.
Elliptical P. on December 18, 2011 at 2:38pm
Strongly suggest adding a "google+" button for the blog!