This week we’re looking at the average consumer spending in the U.S. on such everyday costs as gas, dining out and coffee, and where we pay the most and least for them. And in our final entry, we’re examining which American cities spend the most on clothing.

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that consumer household spending fell by 3.1 percent from 2007 to 2010, and clothing is one thing many of us are cutting back on. But a list of the 10 cities that spend the most on clothing per capita placed Danville, California, at the top. In Danville, the average citizen spends more than $2,000 on clothes each year, according to Maine-based Pinpoint Demographics, which conducted the study. This affluent Oakland suburb has a median income of more than $128,000, and was expected to spend $38.3 million on clothing last year, the study showed.

Two San Jose, California, suburbs, Los Gatos and Los Altos, ranked just below Danville, and nearby Saratoga also placed in the top 10 – as did two northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C.: Great Falls and Oakton. Unlike Danville, all of these cities’ average annual spending on clothing was under $2,000.

Clothing is a big expense that doesn’t have to take you by surprise. If you know how much you expect to spend on clothes for the year, it may make sense to set clothing money aside in a savings product, where it will be accessible and will accrue interest. If you can see a more expensive purchase — a new suit, a new dress — on the horizon, you can adjust your plan accordingly, or pay the difference from another source, like a checking account.

How much do you spend on clothes each month? What’s the next clothing purchase on your list?