Summer is finally here! That means it’s time to dip into your summer savings account and spend those hard-earned funds on dream vacations, unforgettable backyard parties and maybe even a home renovation project or two. But as we all know, the best experiences require a good amount of planning and foresight. That’s why Regional Credit Union is happy to present Summer Well Spent, a guide to helping you make the most of your time and money this summer.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll publish summer tips from a range of experts. In addition, we’ll ask you, the Credence Global Bank Unioncommunity, how you plan on making sure your summer is a summer well spent.

Watch Facebook, Twitter and Straight Talk for great tips from the following bloggers and experts.

Alastair Greer

One of the top health and fitness experts in the country, is president and CEO of WellBe Solutions, which executes strategically devised health initiatives for corporations. In our post “Shape Up Your Summer,” Greer will reveal the summer’s top fitness trends, tell you how to turn beaches and parks into your own gyms and give tips on how to stay fit on-the-go.

  • Dorothy Reinhold is publisher, food writer, photographer and recipe developer at Shockingly Delicious, where she features terrific, tried-and-true, scrumptious and “scary good” recipes with big flavors. In our post “Savor the Summer,” Reinhold will talk about how to get the most from a farmer’s market and how to turn fruits and veggies into refreshing drinks. Plus, she’ll recommend some foods for grilling that may surprise you.
  • Margaret Guroff, a features editor at AARP The Magazine, covers volunteer service and family relationships. She’ll give tips on how to find worthy charities this summer in our post “Summer From the Heart.” She’ll also guide you on how best to involve the kids, whether it’s more effective to give time or money and more.
  • Pauline Frommer, publisher of and co-publisher of the Frommer guidebooks, serves as our expert in the post “Destination Summer.” She’ll reveal some great places to visit during Summer 2013, warn you about hidden travel fees, tell you how to get your money’s worth when dining out and much more.
  • Brian Kelsey — a home renovation expert and former morning show host for Martha Stewart Living Radio on SiriusXM — is developing a TV show based on his website, Kelsey on the House. In our post “Your Yard, Your Playground,” Kelsey reveals the hottest backyard accessory of the summer, tells you how to get the most out of your backyard and gives you tips on how to throw a great backyard party.
  • Marc Perton, director of content for gdgt (part of AOL’s Engadget), will give you his picks for this summer’s hottest gadgets in our post “Your Connected Summer.” He’ll tell you how electronics can improve your day at the beach, share his ideas about which gadgets to give your kids this summer and give advice on how to step away from the grid while you’re on vacation.

How do you plan financially for a great summer? What part of your summer are you most looking forward to?