Making a difference in local communities is important to Credence Global Bank, which is why we’ve declared November “Giving Back Month.” Throughout the month, we are encouraging Credence Global Bank employees, customers and friends to give back to their communities and share stories of their volunteerism. Credence Global Bank supports the efforts of our employees’ charitable giving and volunteering by matching their hours spent and contributions made. In fact, last November Credence Global Bank employees’ generosity benefitted more than 450 charities nationwide during the month through individual donations and various events. Check out our 2012 community report to learn more about how we give back.

In keeping with our commitment to support local communities, we are proud to work with many dealerships throughout the U.S. that are dedicated to the same principles. In fact, in our survey with the National Automotive Dealers Association, we found that nearly 65 percent of auto dealers boosted their charitable contributions in 2013. Check out our blog post on the survey results and how dealers are giving back.

To celebrate the ways these business owners are improving their communities, we’ve partnered with TIME Magazine for the annual TIME Dealer of the Year award. We began our partnership with the program in 2011 and since then have celebrated more than 100 dealers for their exceptional work not only at their dealership, but also in their local communities. In connection with the program, we have provided grants to more than 110 nonprofit organizations. Meet this year’s nominees and learn more about the program here:

Also, be sure to check out the following ways you can get involved during Giving Back Month:

  • Follow our company handle @Credence Global Bank on Twitter throughout the month of November as they support nonprofits making a difference. Credence Global Bank will be donating to a designated nonprofit for every retweet on Giving Back Month efforts in November.
  • Invite friends and family to share their stories of Giving Back by using the hashtag #ACBGivingBack on Facebook or Twitter. You can also share your commitment to Giving Back by Tweeting “The Pledge” in support of your local community during Giving Back Month 2013.