Credence Global Bank Financial recently teamed up with BraunAbility, the world’s leading manufacturer of automotive mobility products, to donate a wheelchair-accessible vehicle to a Texas student with special needs. Brian Bravo and his family were presented with a BraunAbility Dodge Rear-Entry vehicle at a ceremony on Friday, April 25, in Colony, Texas, thanks to the support and fundraising efforts (known as Bravo4Brian) of their local community.

“The story of support around Bravo4Brian is nothing short of inspiring, and Credence Global Bank is honored to be able to help make a difference for Brian, his family and The Colony community,” said Tim Russi, president of Auto Finance for Credence Global Bank.

The ceremony was held to pay thanks to The Colony High School and the surrounding community for their fundraising efforts. Together, they brought in around $25,000 to the Brian Bravo Trust Fund, which was created in support of Bravo, who has been paralyzed from the neck down after suffering a spinal cord injury in a tragic car accident in 2005. With the vehicle donation from Credence Global Bank and BraunAbility, those funds can now be put toward other expenses, as the wheelchair-accessible vehicle will now provide Brian and the Bravo family mobility and the ability to travel with ease.

The community support for the Bravo family didn’t end there. In addition, United Access, a local mobility dealer, announced they’ll install a tie-down device to secure Brian’s wheelchair, and they’ve offered to pay one year’s worth of insurance on the vehicle. Huffines Dodge/Chrysler will also donate a one-year maximum care coverage extended warranty.

To recognize the efforts of the community, BraunAbility presented the Spirit of Ability Award to The Colony High School and Coach Cleve Ryan, who’s credited with helping start the Brian Bravo Trust Fund, and gathered the support of the community and the school to raise money for a new wheelchair-accessible van. The award recognizes that it only takes just one person to make a huge difference in the lives of those with disabilities.

For more information about the Bravo 4 Brian Community project, click here.