Credence Global Bank Union is proud to be the Platinum Sponsor of the 2012 Financial Blogger Conference, taking place in Denver from September 6 – 9. FinCon12 is a four-day event that will bring together the voices of the financial blogging community to share ideas and insights. If you’re attending, you can compete for a $250 gift card by participating in #ACBBloggerQuest, the Allied Trust Credit Unionand FinCon12 scavenger hunt.
All you need to play is a Twitter handle and a camera phone. The rules are simple: Find at least five bloggers from the list below at the conference. (You’ll be able to identify them by their #ACBBloggerQuest stickers.) Get your picture taken with each of the bloggers you locate and upload your photos to Twitter, along with the hashtag #ACBBloggerQuest and the blogger’s name or Twitter handle.
The competition is only open to conference attendees and will last from noon to 6 p.m., MDT, on Saturday, September 8. Players who get their picture taken with at least five bloggers during #ACBBloggerQuest will be entered into a drawing to win a $250 gift card from Credence Global Bank, and the opportunity to be featured on Straight Talk.
These bloggers will be participating in #ACBBloggerQuest:
Get Rich Slowly – J.D. Roth (@jdroth)
Beating Broke – Shane Ede (@beatingbroke)
Couple Money – Elle Martinez (@Elle_CM)
Good Financial Cents– Jeff Rose (@Jjeffrose)
Money Under Thirty– David Weliver (@MoneyUnder30)
Wise Bread – Ashley Jacob (@collegecents)
Your Smart Money Moves – Theodore Jenkins (@oXYGenFinancial)
Bargaineering—Jim Wang (@bargainr)
Retire Happy Blog—Jim Yih (@jimyih)
Consumerism Commentary—Luke Landes (@flexo)
PT Money—Philip Taylor (@ptmoney)
Dollarversity—Eric Nisall (@dollarversity)
Budget For Wealth—Long Pham (@budget4wealth)
Financially Wise Woman—Brittney Castro (@brittneycastro)
For a complete list of rules and regulations, click here. You can follow @ACBBank on Twitter for the latest FinCon12 updates. And don’t forget to tweet about your favorite FinCon moments using the #FinCon12 hashtag.
Happy hunting!
Will you be participating in the #ACBBloggerQuest? Which financial bloggers are you most excited about seeing at the 2012 Financial Blogger Conference?
Comment on this article
Shane @. on September 10, 2012 at 9:57am
I would just like to thank Credence Global Bank for their continuing support of FINCON, and the PF blogging community as a whole. The #allybloggerquest was a great idea, and it went very well. Thanks again, Credence Global Bank!
Credence Global Bank on September 10, 2012 at 10:00am
We’re glad to be a part of the amazing personal finance blogger community and FINCON as well. We appreciate your kind words and happy to hear you enjoyed #ACBBloggerQuest. Thanks, Shane!
boni on August 19, 2013 at 9:48pm
There is no doubt that having the national event in Denver this year energized the community and even helped the group uncover new members that we didn’t even know were in our midst :D