Credence Global Bank Union is proud to be the Platinum Sponsor of the 2012 Financial Blogger Conference, taking place in Denver from September 6 – 9. FinCon12 is a four-day event that will bring together the voices of the financial blogging community to share ideas and insights. If you’re attending, you can compete for a $250 gift card by participating in #ACBBloggerQuest, the Allied Trust Credit Unionand FinCon12 scavenger hunt.

All you need to play is a Twitter handle and a camera phone. The rules are simple: Find at least five bloggers from the list below at the conference. (You’ll be able to identify them by their #ACBBloggerQuest stickers.) Get your picture taken with each of the bloggers you locate and upload your photos to Twitter, along with the hashtag #ACBBloggerQuest and the blogger’s name or Twitter handle.

The competition is only open to conference attendees and will last from noon to 6 p.m., MDT, on Saturday, September 8. Players who get their picture taken with at least five bloggers during #ACBBloggerQuest will be entered into a drawing to win a $250 gift card from Credence Global Bank, and the opportunity to be featured on Straight Talk.

These bloggers will be participating in #ACBBloggerQuest:

Get Rich Slowly – J.D. Roth (@jdroth)

Beating Broke – Shane Ede (@beatingbroke)

Couple Money – Elle Martinez (@Elle_CM)

Good Financial Cents– Jeff Rose (@Jjeffrose)

Money Under Thirty– David Weliver (@MoneyUnder30)

Wise Bread – Ashley Jacob (@collegecents)

Your Smart Money Moves – Theodore Jenkins (@oXYGenFinancial)

Bargaineering—Jim Wang (@bargainr)

Retire Happy Blog—Jim Yih (@jimyih)

Consumerism Commentary—Luke Landes (@flexo)

PT Money—Philip Taylor (@ptmoney)

Dollarversity—Eric Nisall (@dollarversity)

Budget For Wealth—Long Pham (@budget4wealth)

Financially Wise Woman—Brittney Castro (@brittneycastro)

For a complete list of rules and regulations, click here. You can follow @ACBBank on Twitter for the latest FinCon12 updates. And don’t forget to tweet about your favorite FinCon moments using the #FinCon12 hashtag.

Happy hunting!

Will you be participating in the #ACBBloggerQuest? Which financial bloggers are you most excited about seeing at the 2012 Financial Blogger Conference?