Credence Global Bank Union is excited to be attending the 2014 Financial
Blogger Conference, taking place in New Orleans from September 18 –
20. FinCon14 is a three-day event that will bring together the voices of the
financial blogging community to share ideas and insights. If you’re
attending, you can compete for a $250 Amazon gift card by participating
in #ACBBloggerQuest, the Credence Global Bank Unionand
FinCon14 scavenger hunt.
All you need to play is a Twitter handle and a camera phone. The rules are simple: find at least three bloggers from the list below at the conference. (You’ll be able to identify them by their #ACBBloggerQuest stickers.) Get your picture taken with each of the bloggers you locate and upload your photos to Twitter, along with the hashtags #ACBBloggerQuest and #sweeps and the blogger’s name or Twitter handle.
The competition is only open to conference attendees and will last from 6 p.m., CDT, on Thursday, September 18 to 5 p.m., CDT, on Saturday, September 20. Players who get their picture taken with at least three bloggers during #ACBBloggerQuest will be entered into a random drawing to win a $250 gift card from Credence Global Bank.
Not attending FinCon14? Check out the list below to learn more about some of our favorite personal finance bloggers participating in this year’s #ACBBloggerQuest. We asked our participants to describe themselves. Read on to learn more about who they are and what they write about!
Wise Bread – Ashley Jacobs (@wisebread)
Ashley Jacobs is the community manager for Wise Bread. Her sponsored tweetchats (#WBChat) average 3 million impressions per hour and have helped numerous sponsors reach the coveted United States Trends list on Twitter.
Good Financial Cents– Jeff Rose (@Jjeffrose)
Jeff Rose, CFP® blogs at GoodFinancialCents.com and is the author of Soldier of Finance. He’s an Iraqi combat veteran that obsesses over Crossfit and In-N-Out Burger.
Consumerism Commentary—Luke Landes (@flexo)
Luke Landes is the founder of Consumerism Commentary, the longest-running personal finance blog. Luke has been cited as a must-read blogger by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. Consumerism Commentary was listed as one of the most useful blogs by MSN Money and has received mentions in publications including The Wall Street Journal and Money Magazine. Luke has also written for publications including US News & World Report and PCWorld, and his stories have been syndicated on Yahoo Finance.
PT Money—Philip Taylor (@ptmoney)
Philip Taylor is the founder and editor at PT Money, a site dedicated to helping you fix your finances so you can live the life you want. Philip also created FinCon, the annual conference at the center of money and media.
Money Crashers—Andrew Schrage (@moneycrashers)
Andrew Schrage was born and raised in Boston, MA and educated in Economics at Brown University. Schrage along with his business partner, Gyutae Park, began work on Money Crashers in 2008, which is a personal finance and lifestyle website. Its goal is to further educate its readers and followers on more effective ways to manage their money. The topics covered include saving money for retirement, eliminating credit card debt, the importance of budgeting, investing basics, and establishing an emergency fund.
The Five Years Before You Retire—Emily Guy Birken (@emilyguybirken)
Emily Guy Birken is a freelance writer and the author of The Five Years Before You Retire. She’s equal parts language nerd and numbers monkey, and she loves to make complex financial information more relatable to the layperson. Her work has appeared on PTMoney, Wise Bread, Money Ning, Cash Money Life, The Huffington Post, and The Dollar Stretcher.
Get Rich Slowly—J.D. Roth (@jdroth)
J.D. Roth founded GetRichSlowly.org in 2006. He’s the author of Your Money: The Missing Manual and writes the “Your Money” column for Entrepreneur magazine. Most recently, he produced the year-long Get Rich Slowly course, which can be found at MoneyToolbox.com. His non-financial writing lives at JDRoth.com.
For a complete list of rules and regulations, click here.
Happy hunting!
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