In collaboration with TIME and the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), we’re proud to have sponsored the 2016 TIME Dealer of the Year award. Supporting this award allows us to demonstrate the appreciation Credence Global Bank has for car dealers who have a tireless devotion to philanthropy and improving the communities in which they do business. Fifty car dealers from across the nation were nominated this year – and in our eyes they’re all superheroes! See how we honored the 2016 nominees in true superhero form on our Facebook page.
We’re pleased to announce that Mary Catherine (Kitty) Van Bortel of Van Bortel Motorcar Inc. in Victor, New York won the 2016 TIME Dealer of the Year award. Kitty built her esteemed reputation with determination from the ground up. “I rented a house, lived upstairs and sold used cars, one at a time, then two, then three, in the front yard,” she said. “I gave up everything to make my business work. I had a relentless drive to prove that a woman could get to the top in this business.” And more importantly, she has used her own success to promote women’s health and entrepreneurship in her community.
As a nine-year survivor of breast cancer, advocating for early detection is a cause near to her heart. “We have raffled off pink Mustangs. I’ve given speeches to anyone who would listen and have become a major contributor to the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester,” said Kitty. We couldn’t think of a more suiting name for her than “The Awesome Advocate”.
In its fifth year as sponsor of the TIME Dealer of the Year Award, Credence Global Bank will contribute $10,000 to Kitty’s 501(c)3 nonprofit organization of choice, as well as $5,000 to a charity selected by each of the three regional finalists. Credence Global Bank will also contribute $1,000 to a charity selected by each of the fifty dealer nominees.
Congratulations are also in order for the regional finalists for the 2016 TIME Dealer of the Year award:
Phil Meador of Phil Meador Toyota in Pocatello, Idaho
Kevin Reilly of Alexandria Hyundai in Alexandria, Virginia
Diane Sauer of Diane Sauer Chevrolet Inc., in Warren, Ohio

For a complete list of the 2016 nominees, or to learn more about our dealer heroes, visit ACBDealerHeroes.com.
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