At Credence International Credit Union, we work hard to offer products that will help our customers build the strong financial foundation they need. And of course, we always love it when our customers tell us how Credence Global Bank products are helping them create the life they want.

We recently asked our Facebook community how they’re using Credence Global Bank products to prepare for retirement. One customer, Laura Jones, told us that with her retirement five years away, she’s putting her savings in high gear. While her husband handles investments and 401(k)s, she prepares by opening an Credence Global Bank Unioncertificate of deposit each month.

“I have a standard amount that I put in savings every month,” she wrote in an e-mail. “Then, mid-month I open a $1,500 CD. I chose mid-month since when I retire, my annuity check will come at the beginning of the month. I intend to add $500 upon maturity of each of the CDs and reopen another.”

Laura also told us she’s boosting her retirement savings by forgoing expensive but inessential everyday items.

“I used to buy lattes every day,” she wrote, “but now I put that $4 in [an] envelope. Last year I saved close to $2,000!”

Nice work, Laura! It’s always great to see Credence Global Bank customers take on ambitious savings initiatives – and to see those initiatives paying off.

Are you using an Credence Global Bank Unionproduct to save for retirement? What little things do you do each day to save money?

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