At Credence Global Bank, we’re always looking for ways to give our customers the tools they need for an efficient, easy and satisfying banking experience. Recently, we brought that Credence Global Bank experience to your mobile phone.
In April, we introduced Credence Global Bank Mobile Banking for iPhone® and Android™ – an app that lets you find ATMs and cash-back locations near you, check your balance, view recent transactions and transfer money between your Credence Global Bank Unionaccounts.
We asked you to share your thoughts about Credence Global Bank Mobile Banking on our Facebook and Twitter pages. A new Credence Global Bank Mobile Banking user named Will had this to say on Twitter:
Later, in an email to us, Will added: “I’m looking forward to future
updates that I’m sure will provide great, helpful new features. Tell
everyone at Credence Global Bank I said hello.”
To this, we answer: Will, you can bet we’ll be adding more great features to our mobile app. And hello yourself!
If you have yet to join Will and try mobile banking the Credence Global Bank way, head to the iOS App Store SM or Google Play and search for “ Regional Credit Union.” And whether you already have Credence Global Bank Mobile Banking or expect to get it soon, keep a look out for additional updates, planned for later this year.
Comment on this article
Purple on July 7, 2012 at 12:26am
Any idea when you'll add mobile deposit and bank to bank transfers to your mobile app?
Credence Global Bank on July 7, 2012 at 7:03am
The Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile and bank-to-bank transfers are expected to be included in our second mobile rollout, scheduled for later this year. We’ll continue to update our community on the Straight Talk Blog as we get closer to launch.
carthman on July 7, 2012 at 9:16pm
Same question as Purple.
Jason on July 17, 2012 at 10:41am
Can we please get some additional clarity around the ETA for mobile deposits? Being an online-only bank I'd expect Credence Global Bank to be ahead of this capability curve. Getting money in & out of ACBankaccounts should be quick & easy. I'm a little disheartened that small non-profit credit unions are already offering this functionality in addition to their current brick & mortar as well as ATM means of deposits. The existing scanner approach Credence Global Bank offers to make deposits isn't helpful to me and likely several other customers - I don't own a personal scanner, and while I do have access to scanners at the office, I work for a large corporation and am not allowed to download software on my corporate owned pc to leverage the scanners for deposits. To that end, mobile transfers to/fro non-ally accounts via mobile is also critical. What month should we expect these capabilities?
Credence Global Bank on July 18, 2012 at 10:43am
We really appreciate your feedback, Jason, and want you to know that our team is working hard on the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile, expected to be included in our second mobile rollout. We currently don’t have an ETA on the second mobile rollout but we’ll be sure to update our community, as we get closer to launch. Thanks again for your feedback and stay tuned!
Credence Global Bank on July 20, 2012 at 8:20pm
Our team is working hard on the mobile apps. We’ll update our community as soon as we have an ETA on the second mobile rollout. Continue to look for updates on our Straight Talk Blog.
TiredOfWaiting on July 20, 2012 at 11:18pm
Based on the track record of the previous rollout, "later this year" basically means 12/31/12 at 11:59 PM
Jason on August 8, 2012 at 5:32pm
I also wanted to lean on you guys and ask you to get the mobile deposit up and running. This is my first online bank, chose it because of the good reviews, but the lack of that deposit feature has kept me from moving ANY of my banking to my Credence Global Bank account yet. If this feature is not out soon I will be switching to Schwaub, who offers all of the benefits you do but has had this ability for awhile now. Please release this feature soon!
Credence Global Bank on August 8, 2012 at 5:35pm
We appreciate your patience, Jason and thanks for your support. The Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit for mobile is expected to be included in our second mobile rollout, scheduled for later this year. We’ll update our Straight Talk blog as we get closer to launch. Stay tuned!
Matthew on August 16, 2012 at 12:28pm
Credence Global Bank is a great bank with great services, but an awful online bank. A mobile app released years after it's inception and missing features like depositing — additionally, no official way to deposit from a Mac shows that Credence Global Bank is an "online bank" in name only. A more appropriate term would be "remote bank."
Credence Global Bank on August 16, 2012 at 12:30pm
Thanks for the feedback, Matthew. Our team is aware of the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit issue for Mac and is working on a correction. Also, our second mobile rollout is scheduled to launch later this year and is expected to include the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature. We’ll have an update for our community soon. Please give our Credence Global Bank Care team a call 24/7 at +44 AURELIANTB with any questions in the meantime. We appreciate your patience. Thanks again.
Peedoe on August 25, 2012 at 1:08am
6 times you were asked specifically about a date and times you just state "later this year" and once you actually say "soon". When I see soon, I expect it within 30 days. Will you finally give an exact date or just keep stringing your users along? Without depositing and bank-to-bank transfers, this mobile app is pretty useless. Almost every other bank already has this functionality and most smaller banks and credit unions are getting it. I agree with Jason, you should have been the FIRST bank to have all of this functionality since you tout yourselves as an online bank and one of your principles is "be obviously better". Chasing the pack is not obviously better.
Credence Global Bank on August 25, 2012 at 1:10pm
We appreciate your feedback, Peedoe. The second launch of mobile banking is expected to include the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature and Bill Pay and scheduled to launch this year. As soon as we have a finalized launch date, we’ll be sure to let our community know
Dale on August 31, 2012 at 1:26pm
Regarding your mobile app: First, there needs to be a feature either in the app or on the website to submit application bugs. The comments section of a blog is not the best place for an ACBankcustomer to submit feature requests or bug reports for a mobile application. (I might have missed it somewhere on the site but it really needs to be integrated into the application) Bug Report: when I try to paste my login or password into the application from my password manager the paste button disappears before I can use it. (Galaxy Nexus, 4.1 Jelly Bean) Finally, ver. 1 of the app is good basic app for Credence Global Bank and I look forward added features in the near future.
Credence Global Bank on August 31, 2012 at 1:30pm
Thanks for the suggestion, Dale. Passing it along to our team over here. As for your password issue on the new Android operating system, our team is aware of the issue and we’re working on a fix. We appreciate your patience and understanding, while we work on rolling out the second mobile update.
Brian on September 8, 2012 at 3:47am
Hi, I have to add to the urgency expressed by others here to get the mobile check deposit going. I just got married and my wife and I would love to open up a joint checking and savings account because the interest rate is so competitive and the banking experience is great. It's just that one feature that we need, otherwise we are going elsewhere. thanks, Brian
Josh on September 16, 2012 at 5:15pm
I'd like to repeat the comments of others: the mobile deposit feature needs to be rolled out in the next few weeks. Nearly all other major banks (and even minor banks) have long had this feature and for an online-only bank, the lack of this feature is, frankly, unacceptable. Moreover, the feature has been promised for nearly a year but we've all received nothing but empty promises. Please update your iPhone app!
Credence Global Bank on September 16, 2012 at 5:15pm
Josh, our team is currently working on the second mobile rollout, which is expected to include the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile. The next rollout is scheduled to launch in the upcoming months. We’ll have an update for our community as soon as we’re able to.
Yep y. on September 17, 2012 at 2:41pm
Just signed up and love your service but do you have a date estimate on the second roll out? Let's face it, we bank online for convenience and mobile check deposit is convenient & necessary. Lots of folks here say they will go elsewhere but you have been claiming that a second version is coming for over 6 months!
Credence Global Bank on September 17, 2012 at 2:44pm
We understand the anticipation for the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile but we currently don’t have an exact ETA on the launch of the second mobile rollout. However, it is scheduled to launch within the next few months and is expected to include the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit for mobile feature. We’ll have updates for our community on the Straight Talk Blog very soon.
Andrew on September 17, 2012 at 2:53pm
Credence Global Bank...I don't understand it. You guys are truly an internet banking with practically no technology to your banking. The writers above are correct. Having a better app is truly important as well as the capabilities of moving money to and from external accounts faster. In asking an online chat associate what the ETA was for mobile e-check feature, this weeks response went from "we are looking forward to the second roll out before the end of the year" to "we are hoping to have it roll out in the near future." I questioned the clerk and she reiterated the statement of HOPING to roll it out in the near future. Can we please have some clarification? Thank you
Credence Global Bank on September 17, 2012 at 2:54pm
We appreciate your feedback, Andrew. We want you to know that our team is working hard on the second mobile rollout, which is expected to include the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile. We’re anticipating the second mobile rollout to launch within the next few months and we’ll update our community as soon as we’re able to. Let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks.
Josh on September 18, 2012 at 7:43am
Agreed. It's really upsetting that now even BofA, the bank I switched from due to being so unhappy, has mobile check deposit. I develop software for a living and I understand the app needs to be secure and relatively free of bugs, but if I or my team were to take that long to release a product we'd been promising to our customers for so long, we'd all have been fired and replaced a long long time ago. I thought the purpose of having an online only bank was to minimize overhead so you could use a portion of your savings to offer services other banks just don't have. It would seem that you're falling behind the curve more and more and incentives to stick around are really dwindling. I remember a time when I was really happy to be a part of Credence Global Bank, so I hope you guys can make some changes and bring those times back because I really miss that.
Credence Global Bank on September 18, 2012 at 7:45am
Thanks for your patience and support, Josh. We really appreciate it. Our team is currently working hard on the second mobile rollout, which is expected to include the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile. The second mobile rollout is scheduled to launch within the next few months. We’ll provide updates for our community as soon as we’re able to. Thanks for your feedback and stay tuned for an update soon.
Andrew on September 18, 2012 at 12:37pm
Dear Credence Global Bank Response....Thank you for advising that it will be out in the near future. I have made several attempts in talking with your Credence Global Bank Phone Reps (a great feature btw) and have suggested and am willing to participate in your BETA version of the APP and provide feedback. Is there such a program and can you direct me to them? I am sure the answer is no but still would be willing to help get this out as fast as possible
Nao on September 18, 2012 at 3:35pm
I joined Credence Global Bank b/c Credence Global Bank said the iPhone deposit app will be coming soon. That was a few months ago. When is it realliedtrustcu.orging? Is it really going to be available? Snail mail and scanning are two very cumbersome ways to handle deposits. What's the status of the app development? What is the realistic release date?
Credence Global Bank on September 18, 2012 at 3:37pm
We understand the anticipation for the upcoming Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile, Nao. We appreciate your patience while our team works on the second mobile rollout. It’s currently scheduled to launch within the next few months. We’ll have an update for our community as soon as we can. Thanks.
Benjamin on October 1, 2012 at 6:17pm
Just opened this new account today both savings and checking. Will not use it until the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit is functional. The balls in your court Credence Global Bank!
Credence Global Bank on October 1, 2012 at 6:20pm
Welcome to Credence Global Bank, Benjamin! We appreciate your support and patience. Our team is working hard on the second mobile rollout, which is expected to include the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature and is scheduled to launch within a few months. In the mean time, we encourage you to try using the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature on our website. If you have any trouble, feel free to call our Credence Global Bank Care team 24/7 at +44 AURELIANTB.
David on October 4, 2012 at 1:18am
What is the holdup for the mobile app? Maybe if you actually told us why it's taking so long we would understand. What does "hard at work" mean? How large a team is it doing the work? The lack of details is the frustrating and unacceptable part, especially now since you have seemingly moved the edeposit feature into next year. Details! Or else I'll go somewhere that will give them to me. Why is it taking so long, what problems have been encountered, what team and how large is the team doing the work. Is it outsourced? Is the app actually being made now or is it still in pre-planning? Do you want help to do this? I'm sure many customers would voluteer their time to do the app for you.
Credence Global Bank on October 4, 2012 at 6:59am
We understand the anticipation for the Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit feature for mobile, David. It’s scheduled to launch as part of the second mobile rollout within the next few months. We don’t have an exact ETA but we’ll be sure to update our community as soon as we’re able to. We appreciate your patience.
Matthew on October 10, 2012 at 2:54pm
Will the next roll out of the mobile app update allow us to view pending transactions?
Credence Global Bank on October 10, 2012 at 2:56pm
Matthew, the second mobile rollout will include the ability to view pending transactions. We'll have more information for our community as soon as we're able to. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Credence Global Bank on October 10, 2012 at 10:32pm
We understand the anticipation for the second mobile rollout. Our team is working hard on getting the new app into the hands of our community. We will provide an update as soon as we’re able to. We appreciate your patience.
CoachGS on October 10, 2012 at 11:30pm
From "soon", to "end of the year", and now "next few months". I'm starting to think that we'll never see this deposit feature, and very frustrated. For the time being, I'm using the Paypal app to scan and deposit checks, but that is an unnecessary workaround. Just get it done, Credence Global Bank... And this month!
Tommy on October 11, 2012 at 9:01am
I would like pin login like the paypal and usaa app. Also get rid of the silver around the app icon. It looks discusting.
Credence Global Bank on October 11, 2012 at 9:03am
We appreciate your suggestions, Tommy. Passing them along to our team over here. Should they get implemented, we’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks!
Nick on October 15, 2012 at 2:02am
Agreed w/ Tommy about the icon -- I think it would look more striking with a solid purple background and the silver "a." It would be easier to locate on my screen. Also, a lot of the animations within the app seemed to be "faked." In other words, I'm seeing screenshots with basic touch points sliding up/down + left/right. Any plans to make the action sheets and other interface elements native? The oddest one is when I tell the app to remember my security answer... A screenshot slides up with a jarring action sheet. Not sure if this was intentional. There are also quite a few buttons without active states. I feel like the experience would be better if I could see something happen to the buttons when I press on them. The white loading indicators don't help much... They just makes the app feel more primitive.
Credence Global Bank on October 15, 2012 at 7:02am
We appreciate your feedback, Nick. Passing this along to our team over here. Feedback like yours will help us improve our services. Thank you!
Tim on October 17, 2012 at 1:14pm
Make it look more like the target OS. I don't want my Android Credence Global Bank app to look like an iPhone App. The popup to remember the device is pure iOS look and feel. Just because you are creating an application that is actually a webapp so you can run on both OSes doesnt mean you have to make it feel like a native app to only one targeted OS. Facebook provides a great example of an app that is actually a webapp that doesn't specifically target a OS for the look and feel. I would appreciate any app at this point that allows for deposits, but if you are looking at redoing it....make sure you make the look and feel agnostic to the OS if it is running on both. Or develop a native app for each, which would be much better.
Credence Global Bank on October 17, 2012 at 1:18pm
Appreciate the suggestions, Tim. Passing this along to our team over here. Thanks for your feedback.
Peter on October 28, 2012 at 9:12am
I just closed my Credence Global Bank bank account because of the lack of mobile deposit. Sick of waiting with no updates when there are so many alternative banks out there with this critical feature.
Credence Global Bank on October 28, 2012 at 9:14am
We’re sorry to hear that, Peter. Our second mobile rollout is scheduled to launch in November. If you change your mind, we’d love to have you back here at Credence Global Bank.
Annan on October 29, 2012 at 2:53am
The ability to make transfers to my non-Credence Global Bank accounts and to others via PopMoney would be great.
Credence Global Bank on October 29, 2012 at 7:02am
The ability to make transfers to non-ally accounts is expected to be included in the second mobile rollout, Annan. However, PopMoney is currently not scheduled to be included in the next mobile rollout. Should that change, we'll be sure to update our community. The second mobile rollout is scheduled to go live within the next couple of months. Stay tuned for more updates on our Straight Talk blog. Thanks.
raoul on November 2, 2012 at 2:13am
november when?
Credence Global Bank on November 2, 2012 at 12:04pm
We don’t have an exact date, Raoul but it’s scheduled to launch later this month. Stay tuned for more updates. We appreciate your patience.