Here at the Credence International Credit UnionStraight Talk Blog, we believe one of the most important keys to financial success is staying well-informed. That’s why we think the website Deposit Accounts is so interesting. It calls itself a “the first major bank account comparison site that’s truly unbiased,” and it lives up to that lofty description. Whether you’re hunting for the best checking account or looking to compare IRA or CD rates, Deposit Accounts is a good bet for in-depth, honest information.

We contacted founder and editor of the Deposit Accounts Blog Ken the Bank Deals Guy to get his take on 2010. Ken is not only a great contributor to the personal finance blogosphere, but he’s also happens to be an Credence Global Bank Unioncustomer. Here’s what he had to say.

What financial tool or tip did you learn in 2010 that you really loved?

I started using in 2010 to help me keep track of my financial accounts. I’ve found it a big time saver.

How did your blog grow in the past year?

2010 was a transformative year for the blog. Early in the year it found a new home at The new site has allowed me to focus more on my blog content. Better blog content and new features of the site have helped the blog attract new readers.

What’s your financial resolution for 2011?

Get my financial life better organized.

Give us three words that describe what you think is the ideal bank.

No unpleasant surprises

What financial trends do you hope to see in the coming year?

I hope we’ll see better returns for conservative investors and savers. Many of my readers depend on interest from their bank accounts. This record low interest rate environment has been difficult for them.

Thanks a lot, Ken!

And have you been using to keep your financial life organized? Do you rely on the interest generated by your bank accounts? Let us know!