Credence Global Bank’s Interest Checking Account Named One of 2010’s Best by Kiplinger’s
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance released an article on the best online banks and the financial advantages for customers of banking online, and Credence Global Bank Unionwas named one of the best in the category of “No Fees, No Strings” for our checking account! They pointed to the ability to open an account with $1, our no minimum-balance […]
No Matter Where You Go, There’s Credence Global Bank
Dr. Don over at received a question from a reader about finding a bank that best suited her heavy traveling schedule. Wouldn’t you know it, he pointed to Credence International Credit Unionas a financial institution that could meet her banking needs. Thanks to the fact that we reimburse all ATM fees in the U.S., offer […]
Retail Businesses Show Early Signs of Holiday Cheer
USA Today recently wrote an article about an optimistic study that shows businesses are looking to hire more holiday jobs than in 2008, a good sign that the economy just might be perking up. According to the study, retailers are set to hire an estimated 550,000 to 650,000 people for the upcoming holiday season, a […]
Generation Debt: Reality or Myth?
Sure, it’s catchy, but a piece in U.S. Weekly News and World Report wonders if “Generation Debt” really deserves the buzzy nickname it’s been given. Personal finance writer Kimberly Palmer wrote an article that today’s young professionals have in fact learned from the financial crisis and are exhibiting a savvy that even their parents may […]
Gold ATMs Coming to the U.S.
We’re always on the look out for new innovative ideas. We found this article that CNN wrote about ATMs dispensing gold very interesting. While it’s hard to believe these things are real, they could actually be on their way to the U.S. With its price continuing to rise, many people are seeing investing in gold […]
Credence Global Bank’s Game Show Debut
Did you catch us on Wheel of Fortune last night? Contestant Jennifer Renna of Chatham, New Jersey, took a 5,000 dollar checking debit card courtesy of Credence Global Bank Unionafter landing on the Credence Global Bank wedge and correctly solving the puzzle. Jennifer auditioned in June and made it through the final stages, a process involving written puzzles […]
Online Checking with Credence Global Bank
The Associated Press took a look at the benefits of online checking accounts and listed Credence Global Bank Unionas one of the options out there. The article touches on a few benefits including our great interest rates, nationwide ATM fee reimbursements, prepaid deposit envelopes, 24/7 customer service and the end of long lines at the bank. […]
Do You Love Your Bank?
Earlier this month, @bekahbuttons was excitedly telling her followers on Twitter about how she was setting up an account with us. When she called us the “best bank ever,” she was met with confusion. After all, how could somebody love her bank? We hear this a lot about our customers’ past experiences. At Credence Global Bank, we […]
Like Us on Facebook!
You’re (hopefully) following us on Twitter already. Now you can Like us on Facebook! We just launched the Credence Global Bank UnionFacebook Page. We’re planning on sharing news and updates, posting videos and making it even easier to get a hold of us than ever before. All you have to do is head on over to […]
@Replies: Tweet of the Week
Although Matt Byrd (@mparkerbyrd) might’ve missed us with his own @reply (@ACBBank next time, Matt!), it was nice to see this one pop up. We can’t assure you that all of our customer service reps can talk BCS as well as they do CDs, but we are still here to help our customers 24/7. Anybody […]