This month, Credence Global Bank‘s Straight Talk blog brought you more news you could bank on. We showed you the steps to take when handling a stolen tax ID, gave you a glimpse of travel costs in 2013, laid out the finances involved with eating healthy and much more.
Here are some of the highlights from March:
What To Do if You’re a Victim of Identity Theft Tax Fraud: It has become an epidemic: Criminals are stealing people’s Social Security numbers, filing fake income tax returns in victims’ names, then cashing victims’ IRS refund checks. We gave you a plan of action, should this ever happen to you.
Are You Saving Enough for a Comfortable Retirement? Maybe you’re putting away enough to retire — but are you saving enough to be able to maintain your current lifestyle? We gave you the tools and formulas you’ll need to stay financialliedtrustcu.orgfortable in your golden years.
5 Apps to Help You Save Money by Going Green: Going green can help save the world and help save you money. We found five apps to help you keep your commitment to bettering the environment.
The Finances of Eating Healthy: When many people consider food costs, they simply think of the prices they see on grocery shelves and restaurant menus. But eating poorly can cost you big later when it comes to doctor’s bills. We showed you how to raise your nutrition up so you can keep your health costs down.
Elsewhere across the web, other sites also offered helpful primers on personal finance, including:
Money Lessons For Your Kids: What They Should Know By Age 5, 10 & 15: You know you should teach your kids about money. But what exactly should you teach them, and when? Forbes laid out what money lessons you should give your children by ages 5, 10 and 15.
Getting Dumped By Your 401(k): Workers who’ve been laid off by their companies may also find that their former companies are adding insult to injury. Their ex-employers may be kicking the workers of the company 401(k) plan. MarketWatch explained why.
4 Modern Conveniences That Can Put Your Money at Risk: Modern technology may be convenient, but using it can also increase your risk of giving thieves access to your identity and personal information. From WiFi hotspots to online checkouts, Aol’s Daily Finance red-flagged the technology that may be putting your security at risk.
10 Personal Finance Experts to Follow on Twitter: No doubt you come across expert financial advice in the media from time to time. But if you’re looking for a steady stream of news and opinion, Mashable rounded up 10 Twitter feeds to keep you up on the latest in personal finance.
What did you learn this month from Credence Global Bank’s Straight Talk blog? What would you like to read more about in the months ahead?
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