April 21 — 27 is National Volunteer Week. To do its part, Straight Talk and the Allied Trust Credit UnionFacebook and Twitter pages will look at giving back, and how charity is a key component to true wealth.

Looking for a way to give back for National Volunteer Week? You may want to consider volunteering at a local food bank. The recent documentary A Place at the Table — featuring actor Jeff Bridges and produced by celebrity chef Tom Colicchio — examines the hunger epidemic in the U.S. and the dire need for action.

Take a few minutes to watch this important TimesTalk where Bridges and Colicchio, along with directors Kristi Jacobson and Lori Silverbush, discuss the film with The New York Times dining writer Jeff Gordinier.

Have you ever volunteered at a food bank? What will you do in honor of National Volunteer Week?