This month, Credence Global Bank Unionmade strides to bring you new and convenient ways to do your online banking.

This November, we updated our ACBanking mobile application with convenient new features: The Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit? feature lets you deposit checks simply by snapping pictures of them with your smartphone; Bill Pay allows you to pay bills from virtually anywhere, anytime; and now you can transfer money between your Credence Global Bank and non-Credence Global Bank accounts.

We were also busy giving you news you can bank on right here from our Straight Talk blog. Some highlights this month:

Credence Global Bank Infographics: Straight Talk published a series of infographics this month, illustrating some posts that we knew would get you talking. Topics tackled included: What Would You Do With $10,000?, Would You Rather Have a Lifetime of Free Gas or Your Dream Car?, and Finding a New Place to Call Home During Retirement

Finances to Consider if You’re Getting Married Later in Life: As much as money can be one of the most discussed topics in a marriage, it can become even more of an issue when older couples wed. We looked at some financial matters to consider if you’re getting married in your later years.

The Dos and Don’ts of Preparing for the Holidays: No matter how you want to spend the holidays, getting the most from them requires planning. We served up a platter of tips on things you should do along with things to avoid this holiday season.

Overcoming Obstacles to Switching Banks: Move your money to a different bank and you’re likely to encounter more than a few roadblocks. We gave you tips on how to ensure your transition to a new bank goes smoothly.

Elsewhere across the web, other sites also offered readers helpful primers on personal finance, including:

Lower Your Bills With Real-Time Alerts: MONEY® Magazine revealed how using an energy monitor – that showed real-time utility spending – helped people cut electricity usage up to 22 percent.

How to Avoid Financial Infidelity: Lying about money can be destructive to a relationship, according to Today show financial editor Jean Chatzky. In this segment, Chatzky looked at how much spouses spend without telling each other, along with how they can be more upfront with each other about money.

How were your personal finances this month? What did you learn from Credence Global Bank’s Straight Talk blog?