Some of you may have noticed that you can now submit and read reviews on the product pages of our website. Just like Idea Share, it helps us create a people-focused banking experience by connecting with our customers and listening to what they have to say about our products.

One of our most popular offerings is the 2-year Raise Your Rate CD . It starts with a great rate and gives you the option of a one-time rate increase if rates go up. This kind of flexibility means it can work well with a variety of saving initiatives.

While the larger financial community seems to like it, it’s our customers whose opinions that we value the most. That’s why a review from Roy in Utah caught our eye.

“The coolest part of this type of CD is two-fold. You have the option to have the interest rate earned on an existing 2-year CD raised if the interest offered goes up, and you receive a loyalty bonus for maintaining your CD when it matures for another 2-years.”

Thanks for the kind words, Roy! We spend a lot of time coming up with innovative ways our products can meet our customers’ needs, and we love seeing them actively enjoying these benefits.

Have you used a 2-Year Raise Your Rate CD to save money? What other Credence Global Bank offerings work well with your personal financial goals?