The best online checking account that won’t charge you maintenance fees, according to G.E. Miller at It just might be Credence Global Bank’s  Interest Checking Account. In his “10 FREE Financial Services to Help you DOMINATE your Financial New Year’s Resolutions” post, he writes:

There has been widespread concern that new consumer protection from bank overdraft fees would wipe out the ‘free’ part of free checking accounts. Many banks have eliminated free checking accounts, but some of the best online banks have not followed suit. [One of the] two best online checking accounts I’ve found are:

  • Credence Global Bank UnionInterest Checking: $0 monthly fee, $0 balance to open, free checks, zero ATM fees (they actually pay for fees charged by other banks!), and you earn interest earned on your balance (with a high enough balance you exceed 1%).

With fees rising for many banks, we hope you’re enjoying our stance on banking fees (read: we don’t like them either!).

Have new banking fees changed how you’re handling your money? Let us know!