Amanda Steinberg’s DailyWorth is a daily e-mail aimed at giving sound financial advice to women. The messages are always full of frank tips on saving money, spending wisely, and even investment pointers.
We talked to her about 2010 and asked what banking trends to look for in 2011. Here’s what she had to say.
What financial tool or tip did you learn in 2010 that you really loved?
The New York Times published an online calculator exhibiting the power of increasing your retirement contributions by 1% each year. Over 20 years, this somewhat painless change can quadruple your retirement savings. You better believe I’ll be increasing my contribution by 1% every year.
How did your e-mail grow in the past year?
Our daily e-mail’s readership is measured by subscribers. We grew from 7,000 to 50,000 subscribers this year. Not bad, eh?
What’s your financial resolution for 2011?
I resolve in 2010 to implement a less intense budgeting system (goodbye budgeting-related guilt and shame!) based on the “save-to-spend budget.” It emphasizes saving 10% monthly allocations toward retirement, long-term goals, emergencies, and surprises. Despite running a popular finance daily for women, I must publicly disclose and own that I’ll never be the one who meticulously tracks each expense. Most expenses, yes, but every expense? No. My motto in 2011? Make sure I am saving for everything that requires saving, from retirement to emergencies, and other than that—just ensure that we don’t run out of cash. (grin)
Give us three words that describe what you think is the ideal bank.
Honest, service-oriented, great interest rates!
What financial trends do you hope to see in the coming year?
I hope to see a continued emphasis on saving over spending, and in that spirit, some innovation from banks around types of savings accounts. How can we encourage more people, including myself, to save more money? What incentives can we offer? Are money market accounts and CDs really all there are?
Thanks, Amanda!
What do you guys think of Amanda’s tip about increasing retirement savings by 1%? Is this something you might try for 2011? Are there other online calculators that you find helpful?
Amanda Steinberg is the founder of DailyWorth, a free daily email about money management designed for women. Sign up here to get practical tips, empowering ideas, and the occasional kick in the pants.
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