A self-described “published author and entrepreneur,” David Ning’s brand of financial insight at Money Ning is both intelligent and easy to grasp. Whether he’s telling readers how to find the best online savings account or giving tips on how to avoid ATM fees, his advice is routinely timely and practical.
We asked David for a rundown of his 2010 and what he’s looking forward to in 2011, and he had this to say.
What financial tool or tip did you learn in 2010 that you really loved?
It dawned on me recently that as technology has blurred the practical differences between savings and checking accounts, I can increasingly move my day to day transactions to a savings account to increase the interest I can earn. For example, I now pay everything electronically, and have them debit my savings account automatically on the day that it’s due. Similarly, I am making plans to have my income automatically sent to my savings, which a) cuts down on the juggling of funds from checking to savings, and b) increases the interest I’m earning.
The move won’t make me rich, but over time it does become a significant amount.
How did your blog grow in the past year?
The blog has really grown in the past year and I attribute the growth to an increase effort in outreach.
What’s your financial resolution for 2011?
One of the financial goals I have for 2011 is to not let lifestyle inflation creep into my life. I’m fortunate to have a growing family, and as my baby girl grows up, I’d have to be careful in not spoiling not only her, but everyone in our family!
Give us three words that describe what you think is the ideal bank
It’s almost impossible to use just three words to describe an ideal bank, but if that’s all I get, it would have to be “Customer’s Satisfaction First.”
Big thanks to David for the great insights!
What do you think of David’s thoughts about the line between checking and savings accounts becoming blurred? Are you trying to stop “lifestyle inflation” before it starts? What three words would you use to sum up the ideal bank? Let us know in the comments.
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