Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to Buying Stocks Online
You can buy almost anything online these days, from the mundane — lightbulbs, diapers — to the downright weird. (Bacon-flavored dental floss, anyone?) Like adding items to your digital cart, buying stocks online is quite simple, actually. The hard part is how to determine which stocks (and/or other securities) you’re going to buy for your […]
Being On the Go Shouldn’t Mean Being Vulnerable. Here’s Our Before-You-Go Financial Safety Checklist.
The last thing you want to worry about on vacation is your financial security. Whether you’re taking a holiday getaway, an international adventure, or a road trip with your kids, making sure your money is secure—yet accessible—should be at the top of your list. That’s why we created this financial safety checklist to help you […]
Tess Wicks Explains How to Automate Your Finances to Reach Your Goals Faster
Stop wasting your hard earned cash on late fees and start automatically saving money before you have a chance to spend it. Thanks to auto pay, auto transfer, and auto investment technology, you can save hours each month on money management, and use your newfound free time to focus on all the things you’d rather […]
Is Margin Trading Right for You? 6 Things to Know Before You Trade
In your search for the right investment strategy, you might’ve come across margin trading at some point. But is it something you should be taking advantage of? Margin trading, which is also referred to as buying investments on margin, has to do with how you trade, not what you trade, and it can offer DIY […]
Newlywed Reveals Her Online Shopping Secrets
Can you remember a time your best intentions went awry? That’s how you could describe Megan Montague’s previous online shopping behavior. Montague, a newlywed, identifies herself as the spender in her relationship, but says that she shops online because she’s “always trying to do a lot with a little bit.” Amazon is one of her […]
Dear Saver: Here’s What You Need to Know About Money
Your first “financial advisor” might’ve taught you that you should save for a rainy day. Or that a penny saved is a penny earned. Thankful as you are for those words of advice, have you ever thought about how you’re going to pay it forward? Sharing with others your money lessons learned can help people navigate […]
To Healthier Living at Work and Beyond: Tips from Our Credence Global Bank Team
When you’re juggling work life, social life, and everything in between, it’s just a little too easy to push off that eating plan or workout regimen until the next day… and the next day… until it never happens at all. But when you make wellness a priority, the impact extends far beyond seeing a lower […]
ACBanksgiving: When a Simple Call to Your Bank Turns Into a Big Surprise
Nearly every customer service call ends with the same question, “Is there anything else I can help you with today?” But what would happen if you really answered that question honestly? Even if what you wanted had nothing to do with your customer service call, or the company you were speaking with. What would happen […]
It’s a Good Time to Buy Your First Home. Here’s Why
Buying your first home is no walk around the Monopoly board. For most, it’s the biggest financial transaction you’ll ever make, and unfortunately, rainbow paper money is not a valid currency. If you’re on the (white picket) fence about purchasing a home of your very own, there’s no time like the present to make your […]
What Compound Interest Means for Your Savings
Remember that old movie line, “I wish I had a dime for every dime I had”? Whether you’re adding money to a high-yield savings account or socking it away in a certificate of deposit (CD), you want it to grow. That’s where compound interest comes in. It’s a simple—yet powerful—tool for making your dollars and […]