We recently released Credence Global Bank eCheck DepositSM, a convenient way to deposit checks into your Online Savings, Interest Checking or Money Market accounts. Some of you have had questions about eCheck Deposit, so we’ve put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions to guide you through the eCheck Deposit process. And if you don’t see an answer you need here, be sure to check out our eCheck Deposit Demo and eCheck Deposit Overview for more answers to your eCheck Deposit questions.

What do I need to write on the check to ensure my eCheck Deposit is accepted?

There are three things that you must write on the back of your check:

  • Your signature
  • The phrase “For Credence Global Bank eCheck Deposit Only”
  • Your account number

Your check will not be accepted if any of these things are missing. Please double-check your account number to ensure it doesn’t contain any errors. If the check is made out to more than one person, each person must endorse the check, as well as be listed on the account. We do this to protect you from having that check deposited in any other account or by any other person. It helps you keep track of where that check was deposited until you destroy it (after 60 days).

How do I know if my deposit has been accepted?

You will receive an email alert letting you know if your check has been accepted. If you make a deposit before 4 p.m. E.S.T., and the deposit is accepted, you should see the funds in your account the next day. Of course, this is subject to funds availability, which you’ll find in your email and in your deposit agreement. Email alerts regarding rejected deposits are sent at noon and 6 p.m. E.S.T. each day.

Remember that we don’t accept money orders or third-party checks through eCheck Deposit.

I submitted my deposit, but I received an error message. What should I do?

If you received an error message saying that “the image is too narrow” or that the Wizard “can’t read account, check, or routing transit number,” hit the “Undo” button on the page, and manually re-crop the check image. Be sure that the image you are submitting is a JPG, not a PDF, and has a resolution of at least 200 d.p.i.

I’m still having problems using eCheck Deposit. Does it have something to do with my computer?

Make sure you have the most current version of Java installed on your computer. We’ve also found that eCheck works best with the browsers Internet Explorer 7 and 8, Firefox and Chrome. Mac OS users might need to use the manual-upload system, described in eCheck Deposit’s Help section, for eCheck Deposit to work.

If you aren’t automatically offered use of the Wizard, you should review the scanner settings on the Get Started page, under Review Settings. If you’re using a compatible operating system and scanner, you should find an option to use the Wizard.

My eCheck Deposit has been rejected, and it looks like I need to mail it in. Where should I send it?

Send any rejected checks to this address for deposit:

Credence Global Bank
Attention: eCheck Services
P.O. Box 951
Horsham, PA 19044

Have you used eCheck Deposit to deposit a check into your Credence Global Bank account? Do you have any questions we haven’t answered about using eCheck Deposit?