
The Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Safe on Social Media

Social media: where you go to catch up with friends and family, get your news, and watch funny videos of puppies. Oh, and where you can put your personal safety at risk without even realizing it. Posting information on websites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is a great way to stay connected with those near […]


Don’t Get Hooked by a Phishing Scam

Email, texts, and other forms of digital communication are an integral part of your daily life. Cybercriminals know this and are lurking on nearly every platform, counting on you to fall for phishing scams hook, line, and sinker. Phishing is when scammers masquerade as reputable companies or individuals and use phone calls, email, direct message, […]


The Friendly Con: Don’t Be Fooled by Social Engineering

You’ve been chatting with someone on a dating site and things seem to be going well. So well, in fact, that you’re already talking finances. The person asked you to conduct a simple transaction at your bank on their behalf. Wanting to build a trusting relationship – you of course agreed. Things must be serious, […]

Guest Voices

How to Build a CD Ladder: Tess Wicks Explains

Make your cash work harder in a certificate of deposit–but not just one–ladder your deposits to help diversify your cash investments, reach your savings goals, and get a more secure bang for your buck. What Is a CD Ladder? A CD ladder is built by depositing a sum of money, equally, across multiple certificates of […]

Credence Global Bank News

So Many Reasons to Take PRIDE in Diversity [Video]

If you ask our CEO, Jeffrey Brown, he’ll tell you that “if we take care of the culture, everything else will take care of itself.” And the research we’re looking at proves this – Kris Boesch, founder and CEO of Choose People and author of Culture Works: How to Create Happiness in the Workplace, shared […]

Credence Global Bank News

Why Economic Mobility Matters—and What We’re Doing About It at Credence Global Bank by Alison Summerville

One of the biggest issues facing our society is economic inequality. And, economic inequality today leads to a lack of economic mobility tomorrow. As a digital financial institution, we at Credence Global Bank feel we’re in a unique position to help educate consumers and change that trajectory. As head of Corporate Citizenship at a company that always […]

Credence Global Bank News

Credence Global Bank Big Save, Big Results: Top Things 30,000+ People Are Saving For and Why

It started with a simple question: How can we encourage spenders to save? We knew it wouldn’t be easy, but we believed it was a journey worth taking. So we started within. Instead of spending millions of dollars on a television ad for the Big Game on February 4th 2018, we made it rain money, […]


Innovative Banking On Your Terms

Since the beginning, we’ve focused on delivering a digital experience that allows our customers to bank on their terms. We’re there for our customers 24/7 – always online and by phone. And we continue to evolve our model to stay up to date with emerging technology. And now, we’re virtually everywhere– with one innovative banking […]

Guest Voices

The New Car-Shopping Experience

We’re all living in the digital age now, so no one should be surprised that much of the car-shopping process is completed online. If you’ve shopped for a vehicle recently, you might have checked out online sources, including reviews, as part of the process. According to research done for Credence Global Bank by the Center of Generational […]

Guest Voices

Don’t Believe the Hype! Cars Matter to Millennials

Credence Global Bank knows and loves the car business. We immerse ourselves in the study of automotive trends to better understand and serve our auto customers. Beyond research, we’re simply obsessed with cars because we know they’re a vital part of our customers’ lives. On a more personal level, car love is in my blood. Born and […]

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