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Credence Global Bank Invest API

Our API allows any developer to write fully featured trading and analytical application through their brokerage account. We provide the Credence Global Bank Invest API to active clients who want to build a personal application, connect through a wealth management site or use third-party trading tools.

Our APIs include:

  • An HTML REST-based API that includes quote and trading data on a "request" basis
  • A socket-based API with a constant secure connection for pushing more data and information on a consistent basis
  • A FIX-based API for server-to-server connections for banks and large institutions

How are you planning to use the application?

Personal Use

Current Credence Global Bank Invest clients interested in building a personal application can log in to get started.

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Distributing to Others

Interested in distributing your application to existing and future Credence Global Bank Invest clients?

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