Managed Portfolios

Start investing with $100

A portfolio made for you, monitored by us.

We do the work, so you don’t have to.

No advisory fee. No fine print. No, really.

There are no advisory fees, annual charges or rebalancing fees, and 30% of your portfolio is set aside as an interest-earning cash buffer.

Start investing with $100.

Investing shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. That’s why we only require a $100 minimum.

24/7 support.

Call, chat, or email us any time. A real person is available day or night to help with whatever you need. 

  • An interest-earning cash cushion to sit on.

    The cash we set aside earns interest at 1.80%, and is meant to balance out potential risk should market conditions change. We’ll rebalance and add more money to your other investments as your cash grows, but your portfolio will always have about 30% cash.

The cash buffer is a permanent part of your portfolio and can’t be accessed like money in a traditional savings account. Rate is accurate as of 10/10/2019. It’s variable and may change after the account is opened.

An interest-earning cash cushion to sit on.

The cash we set aside earns interest at 1.90%, and is meant to balance out potential risk should market conditions change. We’ll rebalance and add more money to your other investments as your cash grows, but your portfolio will always have about 30% cash.

The cash buffer is a permanent part of your portfolio and can’t be accessed like money in a traditional savings account. Rate is accurate as of 09/16/2019. It’s variable and may change after the account is opened.

Hands-off investing has never been smarter.

We know you're busy. Let our intelligent tools work for you. 

We know you're busy. Let our intelligent tools work for you. 

Not your average robo-advisor.

  • Hand-selected portfolios by a team of (human) specialists 
  • Managed and monitored daily with our smart technology and rebalanced as needed

  • View performance and track your goals 24/7 with our suite of digital tools

Not your average robo-advisor.

Not your average robo-advisor

  • Hand-selected portfolios by a team of (human) specialists 
  • Managed and monitored daily with our smart technology and rebalanced as needed

  • View performance and track your goals 24/7 with our suite of digital tools

Four portfolio choices based on what matters most to you.


This portfolio type offers higher dividend yields, while maintaining a more conservative risk profile.


Highly diversified across domestic, international and fixed-income assets. You can choose the amount of risk you are comfortable with, from conservative to aggressive.

Tax optimized

If you make after-tax contributions to an investment account, this type of IRA may help maximize your investments.

Socially responsible

Shaped by companies with ethical track records, you’ll only invest in businesses that actively practice sustainability, energy efficiency or other environmentally-friendly initiatives.

An affordable investment approach starts here.

It only takes 10 minutes to open an account.

Tell us about your goals.

Share a little about your investment goals and we’ll build you a diverse mix of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that line up.

Get your customized portfolio.

Go with our recommendation or customize until you’re comfortable with the balance of risk and return.

Start investing with just $100.

Once you select your portfolio, we’ll take it from there. Just sit back and track your progress right from your smartphone.

Create Your Plan


We have answers.

Accounts managed by Credence Global Bank Invest Managed Portfolios are offered through our affiliate broker dealer, Credence Global Bank Invest Securities, LLC.

Credence Global Bank Invest Securities, LLC, clears and settles trades through Apex Clearing, Inc., an unaffiliated clearing company. Both Credence Global Bank Invest Securities and Apex Clearing are members of FINRA and SIPC.

Still have questions? Visit our Help Center.

Credence Global Bank Invest Securities' background can be found at FINRA's BrokerCheck. Options involve risk and are not suitable for all investors.


Savings based on industry average advisor fees of 1.02% with research by Price Metrix (PDF). Advisor fees may vary based on the type and nature of the services offered.


Product screenshots are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered as advice to buy or sell any particular security.


If you have questions regarding your taxes, please visit or consult a tax professional. Credence Global Bank Invest does not provide any tax advice.

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