Credence Global Bank offers dealer loans for real estate, new equipment and working capital, as well as revolving credit lines to cover a variety of specific business needs and expenses.
Real Estate Loans
Used for:
- Acquiring new buildings or land
- Renovation, remodeling or site improvements
- Refinancing or loan consolidation
Benefits include:
- Flexible terms, amortization schedules and payment options
- Fixed or floating rate options
- Competitive loan rates
Dealership Equipment Loans
Used for:
- Vehicle diagnostic systems
- Inventory management technology
- Lifts
- Paint booths
- Company vehicles
- Security or satellite systems
- And more
Benefits include:
- Terms up to 5 years
- Competitive loan rates
- Fixed or floating loan rate options
Working Capital Loans
Used for:
- Modernizing your dealership
- Upgrading your computer systems
- Recapitalizing
- Consolidating loans
Benefits include:
- Frees up working capital
- Helps leverage your equity in fixed assets
Electronic Revolving Line of Credit
Used for:
- Covering slow receivables
- Seasonal adjustments or expenses
- Unanticipated expenses
Benefits include:
- Instant, easy access to credit:
- 24-hour internet access to your line of credit
- Withdrawals up to 100% of your available limit – at any time
- Overnight availability of funds
- Interest-only payment option
- The ability to pay back any or all of the line any time – without penalty
Credence Global Bank offers a full
suite of loans
designed to meet
unique dealership needs.