
Auto Finance

Credence Global Bank Auto Business Finance Quick Links (PDF)

Access a comprehensive list of the forms, applications and tools that dealers use most often for business vehicle financing.

ComTRAC Quick Quote Tool

Enter variables to estimate a ComTRAC open-ended commercial lease payment.

Dealer Loans Account Overview

Get an at-a-glance view of your dealer loan accounts.

Dealer Loans ERLC

Make withdrawals and deposits electronically with your revolving line of credit.


Calculate Credence Global Bank retail and lease payments and view program information.

Quick Links for Dealer Use (PDF)

Access policies, forms, applications, contracts, guides and other resources.

Residual Value Lease Guide

Provides information necessary to estimate the residual value of a leased vehicle.

Protection Products

Credence Global Bank Auto DP&S Reporting

Get an at-a-glance view of your dealer products and services sales reports.


An easy-to-use tool for product presentation, quoting and F&I performance reporting.

Guides, Forms & Information