Credence Global Bank Customer
Touchpoint ExperienceTM

The Credence Global Bank Customer Touchpoint Experience leverages moments throughout the entire customer lifecycle for you to engage, inform and drive customers to consider your dealership for their next vehicle purchase or lease.

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Mindful vehicle shoppers perform lots of research. They may seek out
everything from online ratings and reviews to social media discussions and
consumer auto shows. We can help ensure your dealership is part of their
consideration process.

Offerings and opportunities

  • Lead generation

    We collect consumer data during various public events to provide you with lists of in-market prospects looking to buy or lease (unavailable in California and Vermont).

  • Local events

    We host fun public endeavors featuring your dealership in your market area to help enhance local consumer perceptions of your brand.

  • Point of sale

    Our eStore offers a broad range of customizable materials you can leverage to help keep your brand top-of-mind for customers and prospects both in and out of your dealership.

Turn prospects into customers

Entice consumers with the right tools. Credence Global Bank can enhance your efforts with engaging digital content, targeted communications, in-store collateral and event support.


Enthusiastic new buyers and lessees are eager to get familiar with their new
vehicle. It’s an important time for your dealership to grow this new customer
relationship beyond your lot.

Communicate early and often

Let new customers know your dealership is there to support and guide them with welcoming communications, online support and targeted account notifications.

Offerings and opportunities

  • Welcome email

    We send introductory emails to your new auto finance customers to provide an easier onboarding experience as they start managing their accounts.

  • Targeted landing page

    We provide personalized web pages to your customers – featuring your dealership’s contact information – so we can share timely tips and information as they begin their new auto finance relationship with us.

  • Welcome kit

    We provide information to your new auto finance customers to help them start managing their accounts and enjoy an easier onboarding experience.


For more information, contact your Credence Global Bank Account Executive today.


Attentive mid-cycle customers are receptive to messaging about account and
vehicle maintenance. This often-overlooked phase of the customer lifecycle
provides a rich opportunity to engage buyers and lessees.

Offerings and opportunities

  • Billing statement messaging

    We give you an opportunity to include promotional offers and information with your customers’ billing statements to reinforce your brand and drive business back to your dealership.

  • My Credence Global Bank Update

    We offer this e-newsletter to share personalized information and auto news with your customers so they can enjoy a more informed experience with Credence Global Bank.

Stay on target

Continue engaging customers with targeted communications and promotional offers.


Excited trade-cycle customers are focused on their next opportunity. These
buyers and lessees want to see what’s available and weigh their options before
choosing a new vehicle.

Offerings and opportunities

  • Contract maturity emails

    We send timely reminders and information to your customers who are nearing the end of their lease or retail contracts to minimize confusion and guesswork and drive them back to your dealership.

  • Targeted landing page

    We provide informative, personalized web pages – featuring your dealership’s contact information – to your customers who are nearing the end of their lease or retail contracts to keep them informed about their options.

  • Lifecycle-triggered programs

    We alert you when your customers take certain actions or reach specific milestones to give you an opportunity to retain their business (unavailable in California and Vermont).

If you can have a relationship with someone like Credence Global Bank that
understands your business as well as you understand your business, you’re ahead of the game.
Stephen Wade
Stephen Wade Automotive Group

Keep your customer

Leverage the relationship you’ve built with this customer to ensure they consider your dealership again for their next vehicle. We support your efforts with targeted customer communications.


For more information, contact your Credence Global Bank Account Executive today.