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A margin account allows an investor to borrow money against
other securities currently held in the account, such as cash
or stock. Funds may be borrowed to make additional trades or
they may simply be withdrawn from the account as cash. As
with any loan, interest will be charged on any borrowed
funds. Explore
our current Margin Interest Rates
Keep in mind, industry regulations require that all margin
accounts maintain a minimum of $2,000 in equity at all
times. If this minimum isn’t maintained, borrowing on margin
will no longer be available to the account.
Finally, there are risks to using margin. Although it's nice
to have the ability to borrow money that will potentially
allow you to trade more shares of stock and achieve larger
profits, choosing to trade on margin also opens yourself up
to the possibility of incurring larger losses which could
potentially exceed your initial investment. Learn
about additional risks of trading on margin
The easiest way to set up your account for margin is to apply
online. Keep in mind, under Federal rules, there is a $2,000
minimum equity requirement to be eligible for margin. If
your balance is below $2,000, your account has to be treated
as a cash account, even if approved for margin.
You can remove margin by calling us at 1-630-413-3309 or
contacting us with online chat with explicit instructions to
remove margin.
Keep in mind, if you were labeled as a pattern day trader and
removed margin previously, the pattern day trader
designation will remain in effect if margin is reinstated on
the account.
Buying power is the total amount of cash and margin you have
available in your account to purchase securities. Learn more
about margin accounts and buying power.
Trading on margin involves leverage and allows you to extend
your financial reach by investing borrowed funds while
limiting how much of your own cash you expend. For this
reason, trading on margin carries a higher degree of risk,
and losses could exceed the principal invested. Please be
sure to review our margin
disclosure (PDF) for full details about
our policies.
By having a margin account with at least $2,000 in account
value, you may bypass the settlement rules cash accounts
must follow. However, there may be restrictions on how
frequently you can open and close positions in your account
on the same day, depending on your account value.
Margin accounts will either have the ability to make day
trades on an unlimited basis or they will be limited to a
maximum of three day trades within any consecutive
five-business-day period. Determining which rule you can
follow depends upon the value of your account and whether or
not your account has been labeled as a pattern day trading
Pattern day trading is a coding that’s added to any margin
account once that account makes more than three day trades
within any consecutive five business day period. Once
labeled, the pattern day trader account may continue to make
day trades only if that account begins the day with $25,000
or more in account equity (stock value + cash). Should a
pattern day trading account begin the day under the required
$25,000 in account equity, no day trading will be permitted.
Should a day trade need to be made, a broker can assist with
that trade over the phone.
No. Short selling stock involves selling securities that you
have borrowed. Cash generated from short selling is reserved
in your account for the future re-purchase of the stock that
was sold short. This isn’t a free cash credit and therefore
isn’t eligible to earn interest. The amount of cash held for
the repurchase of short stock will be adjusted to the market