Funds Availability
Check Deposits
– 3 business days to clear for trading
– 10 business days from date of deposit to release funds from the account - by
check or ACH
– 30 business days from the date of deposit to release funds via fed funds
wire or Account Transfer (ACAT)
Wire Deposits
– 10 business days from date of deposit to release funds from the account
ACH Deposits
– 3 business days to clear for trading
– ACH deposits must remain in your account for a minimum of 6 business days
prior to withdrawal for clearance purposes and may only be withdrawn via ACH to the
bank account of origin. Withdrawals of ACH deposits via check, wire or Account
Transfer may only be made after 60 calendar days from the date of deposit. Other
restrictions may apply if fraud or other potential anti-money laundering concerns
are raised.
Proceeds from the Sale of Deposited Stock Certificates
– Up to 30 days from the date of deposit of the certificates
Penny Stock Procedures Regarding Availability of Funds and
Penny stock trades are being defined as those transactions where the share price is
$3.00 or less. The following procedures also apply to physical certificates in penny
stock companies deposited with our clearing firm, Apex Clearing Corp.
– Deposits will be sent to DTCC for processing and will be monitored until DTCC has indicated that the security has cleared with the transfer agent. In some cases, Apex Clearing Corp may choose to send the security to the transfer agent to be transferred into the name of Apex Clearing Corp. In either case, the security will be restricted at an account level from trading until the transfer process has been completed. No sales of the security will be permitted until the transfer has been completed. Any sales initiated prior to receipt of the security and completion of the transfer process may be bought in at Apex Clearing Corp's discretion and any loss charged to the client. Additionally, no journal entries to other accounts will be permitted until the transfer process has been completed. The stock receipt area will notify the correspondent when the transfer process has been completed and the security is available for sale. In certain cases, the stock receipts area may request additional documentation such as proof of purchase or origins of the security in question if it appears that activity in the security warrants the additional documentation. In certain cases, exceptions may be granted if additional assets in the account mitigate the risk associated with the trading activity in these securities. Those exceptions will need to be requested of and granted by Apex Clearing Corp's management prior to any trade activity occurring.
– Payment of proceeds from sales in these securities will be restricted to check only and paid out as the account reads. There would be no overnight delivery of checks to the client or correspondent. No further wire transfers will be permitted. Checks will not be issued to third parties.
Please note: This policy does not currently apply to restricted stock transactions.
Other restrictions may apply.
20110224 - Funds Availability - Version 8