Order Handling
The following is important information on how Credence Global Bank Invest Securities LLC (“Credence Global Bank Invest”)handles orders. Please read carefully each of the following sections: Advanced Orders, GTC Orders, Cancellations, Price Adjustments.
Advanced Orders Disclaimer
Credence Global Bank Invest offers the following advanced orders: One Triggers Others, One Cancels
Other, Contingent and Trailing Stops.
Eligible Securities: listed, Nasdaq NMS, and Nasdaq SmallCap securities and equity options listed by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC).
Non-Eligible Securities: Pink Sheet securities, OTC Bulletin Board securities, equity securities at prices less than $1.00 per share (minimum applies to the bid price for sell orders and to the ask price for buy orders, and to the price condition specified - bid, ask or last price - for contingent orders based on an equity), rights and warrants. These criteria will be checked after an order is submitted.
Trading Halts: Advanced Orders are not accepted for securities that are subject to an SEC, FINRA, or exchange trading halt. Advanced Orders are not triggered once a halt is received. If an Advanced Order is triggered and sent to market prior to a halt and not executed, it will remain at the market center and be executed as soon as the halt is lifted. Credence Global Bank Invest is not responsible for execution quality in the event of such trading halts.
Trading Sessions: Advanced Orders will be accepted at any time, but dynamic prices will only be monitored and updated during normal market sessions. Advanced Orders may only be triggered during normal market sessions. No Advanced Orders activity will occur during Extended Hours trading sessions, except order placement or cancellation requests.
Dividends, Stock Splits & Reorganizations:
Advanced Orders will not be adjusted for dividends. The client is responsible to
monitor and change any open Contingent and or Trailing Stop order on securities that
may be affected by a dividend. One Cancels Other ( OCO ) & One Triggers Other (
OTO ) advanced orders on securities affected by a dividend are canceled. In the
event of a stock split or reorganization, any open Advanced Orders on that security
may be canceled by Credence Global Bank Invest.
Quote data is compared in thirty second cycles. Moving contingent factors defined by the user will be reset only if the quote data between comparisons moves by the smaller of .025 points or 1% of the security price.
Quote Comparison for Stock and Options Trailing Stops:
Order entry: the bid/ask will be used (bid for sell order on long position, offer for
buy order on short position);
Trigger movement: the trigger is based on the last price for equities and on the
bid/ask for options, the bid is used on sell order on long position while the ask is
used on buy order on short positions;
Quote Comparison for other Stock and Options Advanced Orders:
Order entry: the bid/ask will be used unless the last is in-between in order to set the initial reference point. Order triggering: the last validated sale is used. When the contingent factor is met based on the comparison of quote data the order is sent to the exchange marketplace with your order specifications.
Advanced orders are placed at Credence Global Bank Invest on a Not Held basis. When the conditions are met they are automatically released to the marketplace as open orders. Certain Advanced orders may not be eligible for execution when the condition is met (examples: sell stop orders entered above the market; orders conflict with other open orders; you do not have enough buying power in your account). You are solely responsible for reviewing and maintaining your Advanced and non-Advanced orders in order to avoid conflict between orders, duplication of orders, exceeding your buying power or cash available, and creation of undesired short positions. Credence Global Bank Invest does not guarantee that conflicting orders will be prevented, and resolution of conflicting or incorrect orders may be at your risk and expense. Advanced orders can be held indefinitely until you decide to cancel it. If each trade executes at the same time, client is responsible for both trades.
All services and information are provided on an "as is," "as available" basis without warranty of any kind, and neither Credence Global Bank Invest nor its Service and Information Providers make any representations as to the suitability of the services and/information for any purpose, nor to its accuracy, timeliness, completeness or usefulness. Credence Global Bank Invest is not responsible for Advanced Orders affected by system failures nor for Advanced Orders affected by quote data issues. Advanced Orders face unique risk from, including but not limited to, mechanical malfunction, system disruptions and data transmission errors, including errors involving quote data. In the event of an erroneous quote or failure to receive a quote, orders may be incorrectly delivered, or may fail to be delivered to the exchange marketplace. Fast quote movements or out of range quotes may trigger Advanced Orders or move user-defined contingent factors. Use of the service is at the user's own risk. Credence Global Bank Invest reserves the right, in its sole discretion and without any obligation, to modify, improve, discontinue or correct any errors or omissions in any portion of the site at any times. Your continued use of this service indicates your acceptance of the terms of our disclosures.
Good Til' Canceled (GTC) Disclaimer
GTC (Good 'Til Canceled) order: An order to buy or sell that will remain open for 60
calendar days from the original date placed, unless executed or canceled. GTC is a
Time in Force (TIF) used for Equity and Option orders. Changes or edits to a GTC
order will not change the original order expiration date.
GTC orders are "live" during regular trading hours. The orders are suspended each
business day (canceled at the exchange or market center) at 4:00pm EDT, with the
exception of certain broad based ETF options that trade until 4:15pmEDT. GTC orders
are resubmitted to the market centers at the start of each trading day (prior to
9:30am EDT). Time Priority will be reset each day as the order arrives at the
exchange. If a GTC order receives a partial execution and is not fully executed, the
order quantity will adjust to the remaining quantity for the next business day.
Commissions will be charged each day that the order receives one or more partial
Cancellation Disclaimer
Orders may be canceled by Credence Global Bank Invest or the market centers at any time. Typical
reasons for an order cancellation may include, but are not limited to the
-Limit price too far away from the prevailing market
-Stock splits
-Stock spin offs
-Stock dividends (issuing shares in the same or different symbol)
-Symbol changes
-Symbol deletions
Price Adjustments for dividends on Equity GTC Orders
GTC Buy Limit and Sell Stop orders (including Sell Stop/Limit) with limit prices
below the prevailing market on equity securities and ETFs may be reduced by the
amount of the dividend on the ex-dividend date.
Example: Symbol XYZ closes on 01/04/2016 at a price of $23.00. XYZ is paying a $0.25
cash dividend with a dividend "ex-date" of 01/05/2016. XYZ will open for trading on
01/05/2016 at $22.75 / share.
The limit price on open Buy Limit and Sell Stop GTC orders entered on or before
01/04/2016 will be adjusted by the dividend amount on the morning of 01/05/2016.
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