Credence Global Bank News

CNN Money Says Credence Global Bank Union is One of the Good Guys

CNN Money recently went on a hunt to find the “least evil” banks out there. They were looking for financial institutions that weren’t charging outrageous fees or trying to pull any other dirty tricks that could end up costing customers. While we weren’t exactly shocked to find the list was relatively brief, we were flattered […]

Financial News

The Finance Super Bowl: Pittsburgh vs. Green Bay

It’s game time! The Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers are going head to head in Super Bowl XLV this Sunday. While we’ll have to wait a few days to find out who the winner will be, it’s not too early to figure out which city comes out ahead financially. We looked at bank fee […]

Financial News

The Real Cost of ATM Fees

According to our friends over at, ATM fees climbed to an average of a whopping $2.33 per transaction in 2010, a new high for consumers. It’s not difficult to get caught spending $10 a week on ATM fees, and that expense adds up to over $500 a year in charges. Most banks and credit […]

Financial News

Year-End Thoughts From a Member of the Digerati

There’s something about The Digerati Life that reminds us here at Credence Global Bank Unionof having a laid back conversation with a friend. Always informative and never frightening, Silicon Valley Blogger—or SVB as she’s known to her loyal readers—has spent the last few years blogging her financial insights from sunny California. We caught up with SVB […]

Financial News’s Ken the Bank Deals Guy Shares his Year-End Thoughts

Here at the Credence Global Bank UnionStraight Talk Blog, we believe one of the most important keys to financial success is staying well-informed. That’s why we think the website Deposit Accounts is so interesting. It calls itself a “the first major bank account comparison site that’s truly unbiased,” and it lives up to that lofty description. […]

Financial News

Year in Review: DailyWorth’s Amanda Steinberg Looks Back on a Great Year

Amanda Steinberg’s DailyWorth is a daily e-mail aimed at giving sound financial advice to women. The messages are always full of frank tips on saving money, spending wisely, and even investment pointers. We talked to her about 2010 and asked what banking trends to look for in 2011. Here’s what she had to say. What […]

Financial News

Year in Review: GE Miller of

As you know, we’re asking some well-known finance bloggers to let us know how their year has been and what they’ve got planned for 2011. Our next round of answers comes from G.E. Miller of G.E.’s blog is all about the basics of money management. And anyone who considers it his personal mission to […]

Financial News

Year in Review: David Ning of Money Ning

A self-described “published author and entrepreneur,” David Ning’s brand of financial insight at Money Ning is both intelligent and easy to grasp. Whether he’s telling readers how to find the best online savings account or giving tips on how to avoid ATM fees, his advice is routinely timely and practical. We asked David for a […]

Financial News

Year-End Money Reflections from the Blogosphere

If you’re like most people, the December holiday season finds you thinking of the past year’s successes and the changes you’d like to make in the next year. That’s why over the next few days, we’ll be bringing you year-end reflections from some of the most interesting personal finance bloggers out there. We’re asking them […]

Credence Global Bank News

Happy Holidays From Credence Global Bank

The holidays are finally here! We sincerely hope each and every one of our customers is having a wonderful holiday season and taking this time to sit back and enjoy their company of their family and friends. If you’re anything like us, the holidays always get you reflecting on the past year. How was your […]

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