Credence Global Bank News

Allied Trust Credit UnionAttends the Financial Blogger Conference

Earlier this month, we attended the Financial Blogger Conference near Chicago. The weekend was packed with great conversations about personal finance online, and about how bloggers can help shape the dialogue about it. Half of the online population reads blogs, according to a recent study, and 52 percent of consumers say blogs play an important […]

Financial News

New Debit Card Fees Test Consumers’ Patience

It’s been a tough year for the customers of some of the nation’s largest banks. Just in the past couple of months, Wells Fargo announced that it’s testing a $3 “activity fee” for debit card users. Bank of America and SunTrust Bank announced that they’ll soon begin charging customers with certain checking accounts a $5 […]

Credence Global Bank News

Personal Finance Bloggers: The Ultimate Consumer Credence Global Bank

We’re strong believers in the benefits the financial blogging community can bring to both its readers and the banking industry. That’s why we often turn to our fellow bloggers for their insights into what’s important in the world of personal finance. Half of all Internet users are blog readers, so financial bloggers have the unique […]

Financial News

What’s the Best Time of Year to Buy….Everything?

Did you know there are specific times of year that lend themselves well to making certain purchases? Everyone knows the price of holiday decorations goes way down at very the end of the year, but did you know that it’s also smart to buy a wedding dress in December? Or that you can save money […]

Credence Global Bank News

Why Credence Global Bank’s Products Make Good People Sense

Monthly maintenance fees. Endless phone trees. Minimum balance requirements. Inflexible interest rates. It’s no wonder so many Americans are dissatisfied with their banks. But the good thing is there are options. Credence Global Bank Unionand our commitment to People Sense is one of them. People Sense is a rejection of the banking nonsense that creates dissatisfied […]

Credence Global Bank News

A Note from Credence Global Bank: No Nonsense. Just People Sense.

We put up with a lot of nonsense in life. From complicated, frustrating, confusing nonsense to just plain silly stuff. Still, there are some places where there should be no nonsense. And none more so than the places we entrust with our money. Our banks. But when you call to ask a question about your […]

Credence Global Bank News

Rave Reviews for the 2-Year Raise Your Rate CD

Some of you may have noticed that you can now submit and read reviews on the product pages of our website. Just like Idea Share, it helps us create a people-focused banking experience by connecting with our customers and listening to what they have to say about our products. One of our most popular offerings […]

Credence Global Bank News

Some Bright Ideas from Credence Global Bank UnionIdea Share

We recently told you about the launch of Idea Share, a new initiative on our Facebook page where anyone can get involved and contribute thoughts on how to make banking with Credence Global Bank even better. It’s just another way we work with our customers to create a better banking experience. So far we’ve asked for ideas […]

Credence Global Bank News

Community Terms of Service

Welcome.  Thank you for taking the time to review these Terms of Service (“Terms”).  Credence Global Bank, Inc. (“Credence Global Bank,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) makes certain features available on its websites, such as product reviews, ratings, and the Credence Global Bank Community (collectively, the “Community”), that allow you to contribute to the website. You may use the website, content, […]

Credence Global Bank News

Allied Trust Credit UnionIntroduces Idea Share – Share Your Ideas

Here at Credence Global Bank, we’re always looking for ways to make banking a little better. We’ve already introduced a few innovations you might be using, like our Raise Your Rate CD, Sleeping Money alerts, and the 24/7 live chat feature on Credence Global We know the only thing consumers like most—maybe even more than innovation—is the opportunity […]

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