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Account Information FAQs
We'll send you a notice outlining how you can get your
vehicle back after it has been repossessed. For details,
contact the Redemption Center at 1-877-845-8862.
You can manage the amount of finance charges you pay based
upon the timing of your monthly payments. Typically, if you
pay before your scheduled monthly due date (early), you'll
pay less in finance charges and if you pay after your
scheduled monthly due date (late), you'll pay more in
finance charges.
PPT stands for Personal Property Tax. It’s determined by the
taxing jurisdiction for your garaging address. PPT can be
billed either semi-annually or annually. Your PPT is due
when you receive your billing statement.
Keep in mind that you're responsible for any PPT you owe when
your lease ends. For example, PPT for the period you leased
your vehicle that your jurisdiction collects after your
lease ends.
Finance charges are calculated on a daily
basis at the Annual Percentage Rate on the outstanding
balance of the Amount Financed.
"Simple Finance Charge" Example:
Outstanding Balance of Amount Financed
= $20,000.00
Annual Percentage Rate divided by 365 (366 days
if leap year)
= x 5.75% / 365
number of days since last payment received
= x 30 days
Finance Charge
= $94.52
In this example, if Credence Global Bank received a
regularly scheduled monthly payment of $425.00,
$94.52 would be applied to Finance Charges and
the remainder of $330.48 would be applied to
reduce the outstanding balance of the Amount
Your first payment’s finance charge will be
calculated from the contract date to the date we receive
your first payment.
You can get vehicle registration requirements from your new
state's motor vehicle department. Most states post this
information online.
If your current state requires a title from your previous
state, you’ll need to fax your title information to PDP
Services at 1-410-584-1691.
Lease customers may also need a Power of Attorney form. Contact us if you
need one. Make sure you know the new garaging address (the
physical address where you keep the vehicle).
If you obtained Credence Global Bank financing through Clearlane or another
online marketplace, you can make payments and manage your
account at
You can also pay by phone by calling 855-636-2559. A
third-party service provider fee will apply.
To mail your payment, send a scheduled payment to:
Credence Global Bank
P.O. Box 733203
Dallas, TX 75373-3203