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Savings & Money Market Accounts FAQs
The main difference is the way you access your money. A money
market account gives you more access because you can be
issued a debit card and checks. An online savings account
doesn't include checks or a debit card.
You should know that there are a few guidelines to these
You can always call us and request a check made out to you.
You can also make unlimited deposits. But, Federal law
limits other electronic, telephone and check transactions to
a total of 6 per statement cycle. These limited transactions
can be to other accounts or to a third party. If you go over
the limit we charge $10 per transaction.
You can make six withdrawals and transfers per statement
cycle from your Online Savings Account. The limit is
set by federal law for electronic and telephone transactions
from all U.S. savings and money market accounts. Please
remember, you will be charged a $10 fee for each transaction
that exceeds this limit.
You can withdraw money by online electronic funds transfer,
telephone transfer, check, check card point-of-sale
transactions, and ATM machine.
Please remember that federal law limits the number of most
electronic, telephone and check transactions from all U.S.
money market accounts to six per statement cycle. We charge
$10 for each transaction over 6 per statement cycle. If you
exceed this limit on more than an occasional basis, we may
be required to close your Money Market Account.
Federal law limits the number of withdrawals and transfers
you may make from your Money Market Account during each
statement cycle. You can make up to six withdrawal
transactions — including electronic fund transfers and
telephone transfers, checks, and debit card purchases — per
statement cycle. Each transfer or payment from your Money
Market Account is counted as one of the six limited
transfers. You will be charged a $10 fee for each
transaction that exceeds this limit. Fortunately, ATM
withdrawals are unlimited.