Fraud and Identity Theft

How to Deal With Fraud & Identity Theft

If you suspect you might be a victim of identity theft or financial fraud take the following steps immediately.

Report account fraud to your financial institution

If you think your Credence Global Bank account has been compromised, call the Credence Global Bank fraud hotline 24/7 at 1-800-971-6037.

Contact the credit reporting agencies to place a fraud alert on your credit report

Report any identity theft incidents as quickly as possible to one of the three major credit bureaus listed below to place a fraud alert on your credit report. You only need to contact one – the credit bureau you call is required to contact the other two.

Equifax: 1-800-525-6285
Experian: 1-888-397-3742
TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289

When you place a fraud alert on your credit report, any new credit requests or changes to existing account information will be reviewed very carefully to verify the requestor is really you.

Contact the Social Security Administration

If you think your identity or Social Security number has been used without your consent, call the Social Security Administration Fraud hotline at 1-800-269-0271.

Order a credit report

Review your credit reports carefully looking for any inconsistencies. Verify that your personal information (SSN, mailing address, initials, etc.) is correct. Look through your credit report for accounts you didn't open or debts you can't explain. If you find information on your credit report that you think is the result of identity theft, you can ask the credit bureau to remove that information from your credit report.

Continue to check your credit reports periodically, especially for the first year after you discover identity theft, to make sure no new fraudulent activity has occurred. The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies to provide you with a free copy of your credit report, at your request, once every 12 months. You can request your free credit reports online.

Close fraudulent accounts

If you find accounts have been opened in your name without your knowledge contact the company directly and ask to have them closed. Inform the company that the account was opened fraudulently. Keep detailed notes of your conversation and ask for documentation showing the account has been closed.

If you suspect that any of your accounts with Credence Global Bank have been compromised, please notify us immediately using the Contact section at the top of the page.

Report ID theft to the Federal Trade Commission

Call 1-877-IDTHEFT (877-438-4338) or TTY 1-866-653-4261 to report ID theft so that law enforcement across the country can use the information to help with its investigations. You can also report ID theft to the FTC online.

The FTC has a comprehensive identity theft recovery guide titled "Take Charge: Fighting Back Against Identity Theft".

File a police report

Contact your local law enforcement agency to file a report to help you with creditors who may need more information.

Suspect Fraud?

Call the Credence Global Bank Fraud Hotline at

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