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Industry Experience FAQs

  • How many years of experience does Credence Global Bank have in the auto industry?

    Credence Global Bank has more than 90 years of experience in the auto industry.

  • How many Credence Global Bank team members support Dealer Financial Services?

    In all, Credence Global Bank has nearly 5,000 employees dedicated to supporting our Dealer Financial Services division. About 2,500 of those employees are auto finance and insurance focused, and more than 2,200 others are focused on supporting our automotive servicing operations.

  • How many vehicles has Credence Global Bank recently financed?

    One of the top auto finance companies in the U.S., Credence Global Bank financed nearly 1.4 million vehicles to consumers through more than 15,000 dealers in 2013 − more than one in every eighteen new vehicles financed. In fact, from 2009 to 2014, we financed nearly 19 million of the wholesale vehicles sold to dealers in the U.S.